
Recursive sublist? function

我似乎想不出如何编写一个正确的 uscheme(MIT Scheme 的衍生物)函数,该函数将 return 判断一个列表是否包含一个较小的列表。


(define sublist? (xs ys)
    (if (= xs '())
        (if (= ys '())
            (if (= (car xs) (car ys))
                (sublist? (cdr xs) (cdr ys))
                (sublist? xs (cdr ys))


(sublist? '(a b c) '(1 2 a 3 b 4 c 5 6))
;; this returns true while it's supposed to return false




表示此类算法的最简单方法是使用辅助函数来确定子列表是否与列表中的给定位置匹配。 sublist? 函数将遍历较大列表中的每个位置以查找匹配项。


(define (sublist? xs ys)
  (define (sublist-equal? xs ys)
      ((null? xs) #t)
      ((null? ys) #f)
      ((equal? (car xs) (car ys))
       (sublist-equal? (cdr xs) (cdr ys)))
      (else #f)))
    ((null? xs) #t)
    ((null? ys) #f)
    ((sublist-equal? xs ys) #t)
    (else (sublist? xs (cdr ys)))))

注意内部 sublist-equal? 辅助函数。

我还使用 cond 而不是嵌套的 if 表达式,因为在这种情况下 cond 应该真正用于表示这种逻辑。此外,我使用 equal? 而不是 =,因为它是我所知道的大多数方案,= 用于数字比较(你的可能不同,我不知道)。

这是我的版本 "without a helper function"。不过,它确实使用了两个嵌套循环:

(define (sublist? needle haystack)
  (if (null? needle)
      (let ((first (car needle)))
        (let outer ((cur haystack))
          (define (next)
            (outer (cdr cur)))
          (cond ((null? cur) #f)
                ((eqv? (car cur) first)
                 (let inner ((lhs (cdr needle))
                             (rhs (cdr cur)))
                   (cond ((null? lhs) #t)
                         ((null? rhs) (next))
                         ((eqv? (car lhs) (car rhs))
                          (inner (cdr lhs) (cdr rhs)))
                         (else (next)))))
                (else (next)))))))
(define sublist? (xs ys)
  (cond ((= xs '()) #t)  ;;cond easier to read than 
        ((= ys '()) #f)  ;;nested if statements
        ((and (= (car xs) (car ys)) 
 ;;need to check for more than singleton match
              (or (null? (cdr xs))
                  (and (not (null? (cdr ys)))
                       (= (cadr xs) (cadr ys))
                       (sublist? (cdr xs) (cdr ys)))))) ;not tail call
  ;;this cond clause has no second part, 
  ;;the first will return #t or #f
  ;;will backtrack if #f is propagated up the stack.
         (else (sublist? xs (cdr ys)))) ; tail call