未应用 Twirl 模板默认参数值

Twirl template default parameter value is not applied

我有一个从以下声明开始的 Play 2.5 模板:

@(title: String)(content: Html)(menu:Html = HtmlFormat.empty)(implicit request:Request[AnyContent])



def document(title:String) = Action.async{implicit request =>
      case Some(d) => Ok(views.html.document(d))
      case None => Ok(main("No document found")(content = Html("There is no such document")))

所以我没有将 menu 参数的值传递给模板调用,我希望它能够根据默认参数值语义进行编译和工作,但是我收到了这个编译错误:

[error] D:\Projects\feed\app\controllers\MainController.scala:28: missing arguments for method apply in class main; 
[error] follow this method with `_' if you want to treat it as a partially applied function 
[error] case None => Ok(main("No document found")(content = Html("There is no such document"))) 
[error]                                          ^ 
[error] one error found 
[error] (compile:compileIncremental) Compilation failed



Ok(main("No document found")(content = Html("There is no such document")()))

没有最后一个括号 - 它只是一个等待另一个参数的函数。您可以检查您调用的函数类型。我将展示我的示例:

def foo(a: Int = 3) = 41

val one = foo //wan't compile
val two: (Int) => Int = foo
val three: Int = foo()