foldLeft on Map - 为什么这样行得通?

foldLeft on Map - Why does that work?

这是来自 Coursera 的课程,直到现在还没有人能帮助我。 以下作品,摘自一次讲座

object polynomials {

  class Poly(terms0: Map[Int, Double]) {

    def this(bindings: (Int, Double)*) = this(bindings.toMap)

    val terms = terms0 withDefaultValue 0.0

    def +(other: Poly) = new Poly((other.terms foldLeft terms)(addTerm))

    def addTerm(terms: Map[Int, Double], term: (Int, Double)) : Map[Int, Double]= {
      val (exp, coeff) = term
      terms + (exp -> (coeff + terms(exp)))

    override def toString =
      (for ((exp, coeff) <- terms.toList.sorted.reverse)
        yield coeff+"x^"+exp) mkString " + "

  val p1 = new Poly(1 -> 2.0, 3 -> 4.0, 5 -> 6.2)
  val p2 = new Poly(0 -> 3.0, 3 -> 7.0)
  p1 + p2




def foldLeft[B](z: B)(op: (B, (A, B)) => B): B


零元素 z 对应于 terms 因此类型为 Map[Int, Double].
运算符 op 对应于具有签名 ( Map[Int, Double], (Int, Double) ) => Map[Int, Double].



是的,这是 SI-6974 related to Scaladoc, which seems to be fixed in Scala 2.12-RC1. You can check nightly Scala 2.12.x API 文档的问题,它显示了正确的签名。



def foldLeft[B](z: B)(op: (B, A) ⇒ B): B

其中 A 是一种集合类型,来自 Traversable[A]

Map[A, B] <: Traversable[(A, B)],然后在 foldLeft 的定义中,scaladoc 只是将集合的类型 A 替换为 (A, B),这带来了混乱:

def foldLeft[B](z: B)(op: (B, (A, B)) ⇒ B): B

如果您将地图的参数重命名为 Map[K, V],则 foldLeft 将变为:

 def foldLeft[B](z: B)(op: (B, (K, V)) ⇒ B): B