
How to add items to treeview without duplicating it to other node with the same name

我的编码有问题。我想使用正则表达式和 c# 将项目添加到 treeview。但问题是要添加的节点具有相同的名称。

The code ::

  string name;
  TreeNode Root = new TreeNode();
  RootNode.Text = "RootNode";
  MatchCollection ToGetPulinName = Regex.Matches(richtextbox1.Text,@"pulin (.*?)\{");
  foreach (Match m in ToGetPulinName)
     Group g = m.Groups[1];
     name= g.Value;
     TreeNode SecondRoot = new TreeNode();
     SecondRoot.Text = "PulinRoot:"+pulinname;
     MatchCollection ToFoundIn = Regex.Matches(codingtxt.Text, @"pulin \w+{(.*?)}", RegexOptions.Singleline);
     foreach (Match min in ToFoundIn)
       Group gMin = min.Groups[1];
       string gStr = gMin.Value;
       string classname;
       MatchCollection classnames = Regex.Matches(codingtxt.Text, @"class (.*?)\{", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
       foreach (Match mis in classnames)
         Group gmis = mis.Groups[1];
         classname = gmis.Value;
         TreeNode ClassRoot = new TreeNode();
         ClassRoot.Text = "ClassRoot";

The Result



我们将使用以下模式搜索您的文本,然后 group/extract 将所有数据首先放入我所称的名称空间及其关联的 classes。

在模式中,通过使用 (?< > ) 这是一个 命名匹配捕获 我们可以更轻松地提取数据。下面创建了一个动态的 linq 实体来保存我们的数据。我正在展示 Linqpad 的 Dump() 扩展的结果,它为我们提供了数据。我还为这个例子添加了另一个 class 到测试器:

var data = @"
pulin Tester  { class Main { } class Omega{} }
pulin Tester2 { }

var pattern = @"
pulin\s+                   # Look for our anchor `pulin` which identifies the current namespace,
                           # it will designate each namespace block
(?<Namespace>[^\s{]+)      # Put the namespace name into the named match capture `Namespace`.
    (                      # Now look multiple possible classes
      .+?                  # Ignore all characters until we find `class` text
      (class\s             # Found a class, let us consume it until we find the textual name.
         (?<Class>[^\{]+)  # Insert the class name into the named match capture `Class`.
    )*                     # * means 0-N classes can be found.

// We use ignore pattern whitespace to comment the pattern.
// It does not affect the regex parsing of the data.
Regex.Matches(data, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace)
     .Select (mt => new
        Namespace = mt.Groups["Namespace"].Value,
        Classes   = mt.Groups["Class"].Captures
                                      .Select (cp => cp.Value)

最终您将遍历以填充树的 Dump() 结果。:

