bash 中命令行参数的 $opt 变量是什么

What is $opt variable for command line parameter in bash

我有下面的 bash 脚本,我对 $opt 的含义有点困惑。搜索后我没有找到有关它的详细信息。

echo "opt:" $opt for opt; do echo $opt done

./ -a -b c opt: -a -b c

for 语句通常是这样的:

for x in a b c; do

$x 在第一次迭代中的值为 a,然后是 b,然后是 ca b c 部分不需要按字面意思写出来,要迭代的列表可以由变量给出,例如 $@,它包含当前范围的所有参数列表:

for x in "$@"; do

此外,如果您没有明确提供列表,in "$@" 假定的

for x; do

来自bash(1) man page

   for name [ [ in [ word ... ] ] ; ] do list ; done
          The list of words following in is expanded, generating a list of
          items.  The variable name is set to each element of this list in
          turn, and list is executed each time.  If the in word  is  omit‐
          ted,  the  for  command  executes  list once for each positional
          parameter that is set (see PARAMETERS below).  The return status
          is  the  exit  status of the last command that executes.  If the
          expansion of the items following in results in an empty list, no
          commands are executed, and the return status is 0.

因此,如果缺少 in 单词,for 循环将遍历脚本的位置参数,即 </code>、<code></code>、.. ..</p> <p>名字没有什么特别的<code>opt,任何合法的变量名都可以。考虑这个脚本及其输出:
echo $*    # output all positional parameters , ,...
for x
    echo $x

$ ./ -a -b hello
-a -b hello

$opt 不是内置变量或特殊变量。如果在脚本中提到它(在 for opt 之外没有 in something 部分,) it should either be defined earlier in the script or it's expected that it is exported 在 运行 脚本之前。