MinGW的Qt getline错误

Qt getline error with MinGW

我是 C++ 和 Qt 的初学者。目前,我正在研究从开源网站获得的 Qt 程序。这是一个个人开支跟踪应用程序。当我尝试在 Qt Creator 中构建此项目时,出现错误:

C:\Qt\Saved project\Expense-Tracker-master\dataRead.h:152: 错误: 'getline' 未在此范围内声明 while((read = getline(&line, &len, labelFile)) != -1){ ^


std::vector<std::string> * readLabel(const char* labelToRead){
std::vector<std::string> * labels = new std::vector<std::string>;
FILE * labelFile = fopen(labelToRead, "r");
if(labelFile == NULL) std::cout<<labelToRead<<std::endl;
//TODO -- throw if failure
char * line = NULL;
size_t len = 0;
ssize_t read;
while((read = getline(&line, &len, labelFile)) != -1){
    std::string temp(line);
    std::string label(temp.begin(), temp.end()-1);
return labels;}


另外,我已经包含了字符串 header。当我输入 'std::getline' 时,它显示另一个错误:

C:\Qt\Saved project\Expense-Tracker-master\dataRead.h:152: error: no matching function for call to 'getline(char**, size_t*, FILE*&)'
     while((read = std::getline(&line, &len, labelFile)) != -1){

我找不到使用 FILE* 的标准函数 getline。我认为您要查找的函数是 fgets. If you're using Qt, I guess you're coding in C++. FILE* belongs to C. You should consider using C++ functions instead of C (see fstreams).