Javers 审核自定义删除
Javers audit a custom delete
Javers 审核自定义的方式是什么'delete'?
使用 spring-引导集成,
@Query(" delete from ExecutePayment exeP " +
" where exeP.customer = :customer " +
" and exeP.status = 'EXECUTED' ")
void deletePendingExecutionsFromCustomer(@Param("customer") Customer customer);
JaVers 不支持 JPA 查询语言。您需要包装此方法并手动调用 javers.commitShallowDelete()
Javers 审核自定义的方式是什么'delete'? 使用 spring-引导集成, 例如:
@Query(" delete from ExecutePayment exeP " +
" where exeP.customer = :customer " +
" and exeP.status = 'EXECUTED' ")
void deletePendingExecutionsFromCustomer(@Param("customer") Customer customer);
JaVers 不支持 JPA 查询语言。您需要包装此方法并手动调用 javers.commitShallowDelete()