值在 Qt 程序中丢失并出现 类 输出错误

Values getting lost in Qt Program with Classes output error

我有一个 Qt 作业,但我似乎无法开始工作。


A product is described using a name, a price and a supplier. The supplier and the manufacturer can be the same for a product.

A Product is initialised using a name and a price. The supplier details are set using the function setSupplier(), which invokes the suitable function of Vendor to set the details of the vendor. If one requests a product for its manufacturer, it returns the name of the vendor stored in m_Supplier, if it is set as the manufacturer. Otherwise an Unknown string is returned. toString() of Vendor returns a string representation of the values of its data members in a readable format. toString() of Product always returns a string representation of a product. If supplierDetails in toString() of Product is true, it returns both the supplier and product details. Otherwise only product details are returned.

Implement it as a console application, where the product and suuplier details are entered from the keyboard. Display the results of getManufacturerName() and toString() (for both true and false parameter values) on the console.



#include <QCoreApplication>
#include "vendor.h"
#include "product.h"
#include <QString>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QDebug>

QTextStream cout(stdout);
QTextStream cin(stdin);  

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);

    //Declare variables
    QString productName;
    QString productPriceStr;
    double productPrice;
    QString supplierName;
    QString supplierEmail;
    QString supplierIsManufacturerStr;
    bool supplierIsManufacturer;

    //Get user input
    cout << "Enter the product name:" << endl;
    productName = cin.readLine();
    cout << "Enter the product price:" << endl;
    productPriceStr = cin.readLine();
    cout << "Enter the supplier name:" << endl;
    supplierName = cin.readLine();
    cout << "Enter the supplier email:" << endl;
    supplierEmail = cin.readLine();
    cout <<"Is the supplier a manufacturer (y/n):\t" << endl;
    supplierIsManufacturerStr = cin.readLine();

    productPrice = productPriceStr.toDouble();

    if(supplierIsManufacturerStr.at(0).toLower() == 'y') {
        supplierIsManufacturer = true;
    } else {
        supplierIsManufacturer = false;

    //Implement classes
    Vendor vendor;
    Product product(productName, productPrice, vendor);
    product.setSupplier(supplierName, supplierEmail, supplierIsManufacturer);

    cout << product.toString(supplierIsManufacturer) << endl;

    return a.exec();


#ifndef PRODUCT_H
#define PRODUCT_H

#include "vendor.h"
#include <QString>

class Product {
    Product(QString name, double price, Vendor vendor);
    void setSupplier(QString name, QString email, bool isManufacturer);
    QString getManufacturerName();
    QString toString(bool SupplierDetails);
    QString m_Name;
    double m_Price;
    Vendor m_Supplier;

#endif // PRODUCT_H


#include <QString>
#include "product.h"
#include "vendor.h"

Product::Product(QString name, double price, Vendor vendor) {
        m_Name = name;
        m_Price = price;
        m_Supplier = vendor;

void Product::setSupplier(QString name, QString email, bool isManufacturer) {
    Vendor vendor;
    vendor.setDetails(name, email, isManufacturer);

QString Product::getManufacturerName() {
    if(m_Supplier.isManufacturer()) {
        return m_Supplier.getName();
    } else {
        return "Unknown";

QString Product::toString(bool supplierDetails) {
    QString output;

    output = "\nProduct name:\t\t" + m_Name + "\nProduct price:\t\tR" + m_Price + "\nProduct Supplier:\t" + getManufacturerName();

    if(supplierDetails) {
        return m_Supplier.toString() + output;
    } else {
        return output;


#ifndef VENDOR_H
#define VENDOR_H

#include <QString>

class Vendor {
    void setDetails(QString name, QString email, bool isManufacturer);
    bool isManufacturer();
    QString getName();
    QString toString();
    QString m_Name;
    QString m_Email;
    bool m_IsManufacturer;

#endif // VENDOR_H


#include <QString>
#include "vendor.h"

Vendor::Vendor() {


void Vendor::setDetails(QString name, QString email, bool isManufacturer) {
    m_Name = name;
    m_Email = email;
    m_IsManufacturer = isManufacturer;

bool Vendor::isManufacturer() {
    return m_IsManufacturer;

QString Vendor::getName() {
    return m_Name;

QString Vendor::toString() {
    QString output;
    QString manufacturerYesNo;

    if(m_IsManufacturer) {
        manufacturerYesNo = "Yes";
    } else {
        manufacturerYesNo = "No";

    output = "\nVendor name:\t\t" + m_Name +  "\nVendor email:\t\t" + m_Email + "\nManufacturer:\t\t" + manufacturerYesNo;

    return output;


没有编译错误,这纯粹是算法错误。到目前为止,无论我给它输入什么,它总是只显示产品名称,有时还会显示产品价格的非数值,然后其他所有内容都是空的。 toString() 函数似乎仍然 运行。



 output = "\nProduct name:\t\t" + m_Name + "\nProduct price:\t\tR" + m_Price + "\nProduct Supplier:\t" + getManufacturerName();


 output = "\nProduct name:\t\t" + m_Name + "\nProduct price:\t\tR" + QString::number(m_Price) + "\nProduct Supplier:\t" + getManufacturerName();

您应该在“+”之前将数字转换为 QString。


Vendor operator=(const Vendor& other)
  m_Name = other.m_Name;
  m_Email  = other.m_Email;
  m_IsManufacturer = other.m_IsManufacturer;


我知道出了什么问题。在我的 product.cpp 文件中,我在 setDetails 函数中创建了一个新的供应商,这让我的所有供应商详细信息都留空了。我应该使用我在 Product 构造函数中设置为参数的 m_Supplier 变量...