
Regex catch string between strings


public static string[] _StringBetween(string sString, string sStart, string sEnd)

            if (sStart == "" && sEnd == "")
                return null;
            string sPattern = sStart + "(.*?)" + sEnd;
            MatchCollection rgx  = Regex.Matches(sString, sPattern);
            if (rgx.Count < 1)
                return null;
            string[] matches = new string[rgx.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < matches.Length; i++)
                matches[i] = rgx[i].ToString();

            return matches;

但是,如果我这样调用我的函数:_StringBetween("[18][20][3][5][500][60]", "[", "]"); 它会失败。一种方法是,如果我更改此行 string sPattern = "\" + sStart + "(.*?)" + "\" + sEnd; 但是我不能,因为我不知道这个字符是括号还是单词。


A way would be if i changed this line string sPattern = "\" + sStart + "(.*?)" + "\" + sEnd; However i can not because i don't know if the character is going to be a bracket or a word.

您可以通过调用 Regex.Escape:

string sPattern = Regex.Escape(sStart) + "(.*?)" + Regex.Escape(sEnd);

这会导致 sStartsEnd 的内容按字面解释。