在 Python 中打开文件时防止应用程序关闭

Preventing application from being closed when a file is open in Python

我有一个基于计时器的应用程序,它可能每 8 小时向文件写入一行短行。该文件不会在 8 小时内保持打开状态,我只是打开它,写入并关闭它。如果有帮助,我打开文件只写,不追加,所以里面以前的数据不需要保存。


What would happen if the user closes the application through task manager while the file is open for writing?


Can I make the file writing operation atomic?

我不确定你所说的 'atomic' 是什么意思,但这里有一个 link 可以提供帮助:atomic writing to file with Python

Or can I at least prevent the application from closing if the file is open?
