Numpy I/O: 将 % 百分比转换为 0 到 1 之间的浮点数

Numpy I/O: convert % percentage to float between 0 and 1


将表示百分比 xx% 的字符串转换为介于 0 和 1 之间的浮点数


#a. general case
data = "1, 2.3%, 45.\n6, 78.9%, 0"
names = ("i", "p", "n")
a = np.genfromtxt(io.BytesIO(data.encode()), names = names, delimiter = ",")
print (a)           # returns [(1.0, nan, 45.0) (6.0, nan, 0.0)]
print (a.dtype)     # reason: default dtype is float, cannot convert 2.3%, 78.9%

#b. converter case
convertfunc = lambda x: float(x.strip("%"))/100     # remove % and   return the value in float (between 0 and 1)
b = np.genfromtxt(io.BytesIO(data.encode()), names = names, delimiter = ",", converters = {1:convertfunc})  # use indices for 2nd column as key and do the conversion
print (b)
print (b.dtype)


在一般情况下,% 中的百分比将打印为 nan。由于故障 dtype 是 float,因此无法转换 % 中的百分比。因此,我尝试了转换器方法。


convertfunc = lambda x: float(x.strip("%"))/100     # remove % and return the value in float (between 0 and 1)
TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'

有人知道这里有什么问题吗? (我正在使用 python3.5)


您不能将 类似字节的 对象与 str 对象拆分,即 '%'。将 b 附加到 strip 字符串的开头,使其成为字节对象。

convertfunc = lambda x: float(x.strip(b"%"))/100
#                                     ^

b = np.genfromtxt(io.BytesIO(data.encode()), names = names, delimiter = ",", converters = {1:convertfunc})

# array([(1.0, 0.023, 45.0), (6.0, 0.789, 0.0)],
# dtype=[('i', '<f8'), ('p', '<f8'), ('n', '<f8')])

此类带有前导 b 的对象属于 bytes class:

>>> type('%')
<class 'str'>
>>> type(b'%')
<class 'bytes'>