如何将 map 与需要更多参数的函数一起使用

How to use map with a function that needs more arguments

我正在尝试将 map 与 (string-split "a,b,c" ",") 结合使用来拆分列表中的字符串。

(string-split "a,b,c" ",")
'("a" "b" "c")


(define sl (list "a b c" "d e f" "x y z"))
(map string-split sl)
'(("a" "b" "c") ("d" "e" "f") ("x" "y" "z"))


(define sl2 (list "a,b,c" "d,e,f" "x,y,z"))
(map (string-split . ",") sl2)
'(("a,b,c") ("d,e,f") ("x,y,z"))

如何将 map 与需要额外参数的函数一起使用?

#lang racket

(define samples (list "a,b,c" "d,e,f" "x,y,z"))

;;; Option 1: Define a helper

(define (string-split-at-comma s)
  (string-split s ","))

(map string-split-at-comma samples)

;;; Option 2: Use an anonymous function

(map (λ (sample) (string-split sample ",")) samples)

;;; Option 3: Use curry

(map (curryr string-split ",") samples)

这里 (curryr string-split ",")string-split 其中最后一个参数 总是 ",".

mapn 个参数的过程应用于 n 列表的元素。如果您希望使用带有其他参数的过程,则需要定义一个新过程(可以是匿名的)以使用所需的参数调用您的原始过程。在你的情况下,这将是

(map (lambda (x) (string-split x ",")) lst)

正如@leppie 已经指出的那样。