HandlebarsJs.Net 链接样式 Sheets/CSS

HandlebarsJs.Net linking Style Sheets/CSS

我正在尝试在 C#.net class 文件中渲染 CSS 和我的 HTML,如下所示,但样式未渲染。其他一切工作正常。我该如何link样式表?

string source =
  <style type=""text/css"" href="styles.css">
    <div class="myclass">

var template = Handlebars.Compile(source);

var data = new {
    title = "My new post",
    body = "This is my first post!"

var result = template(data);

此问题与 Handlebars.Net 无关,而是 improper usage of Itextsharp:

the problem is with the Itextsharp.dll we are using to render the css to the pdf file.