Atmel UC3A0512 FAT API 定义 FREERTOS_USED 符号后出现问题

Atmel UC3A0512 FAT API problems after defining FREERTOS_USED symbol

我正在使用ASF提供的FAT API从闪存中读取数据,

FAT API 使用全局变量 fs_g_status 来帮助调试问题,但 fs_g_status 似乎需要 无意义的值:

fs_g_status 的可能值:

#define  FS_ERR_HW               (FAIL+0)    //!< Hardware driver error
#define  FS_ERR_NO_FORMAT        (FAIL+1)    //!< The selected drive isn't formated
#define  FS_ERR_NO_PART          (FAIL+2)    //!< The selected partition doesn't existed
#define  FS_ERR_NO_SUPPORT_PART  (FAIL+3)    //!< The selected partition isn't supported
#define  FS_ERR_TOO_FILE_OPEN    (FAIL+4)    //!< The navigation have already opened a file
#define  FS_ERR_END_OF_DRIVE     (FAIL+5)    //!< There are not other driver
#define  FS_ERR_BAD_POS          (FAIL+6)    //!< The position is over the file
#define  FS_ERR_FS               (FAIL+7)    //!< File system error
#define  FS_ERR_NO_FIND          (FAIL+8)    //!< File no found
#define  FS_ERR_ENTRY_EMPTY      (FAIL+9)    //!< File entry empty
#define  FS_ERR_ENTRY_BAD        (FAIL+10)   //!< File entry bad
#define  FS_ERR_ENTRY_BADTYPE    (FAIL+11)   //!< File entry type don't corresponding
#define  FS_ERR_NO_DIR           (FAIL+12)   //!< The selected file isn't a directory
#define  FS_ERR_NO_MOUNT         (FAIL+13)   //!< The partition isn't mounted
#define  FS_ERR_NO_FILE_SEL      (FAIL+14)   //!< There are no selected file
#define  FS_NO_LAST_LFN_ENTRY    (FAIL+15)   //!< The file entry isn't the last long file entry

#define  FS_ERR_ID_FILE          (FAIL+17)   //!< The file identifier is bad
#define  FS_ERR_NO_FILE          (FAIL+18)   //!< The selected file entry isn't a file
#define  FS_LUN_WP               (FAIL+19)   //!< Drive is in read only mode
#define  FS_ERR_READ_ONLY        (FAIL+20)   //!< File is on read access only
#define  FS_ERR_NAME_INCORRECT   (FAIL+21)   //!< The name don't corresponding at the filter name

#define FAIL      1


int read_Flash_Data()
  /* initialize FSACCESS mutex and navigators */
  if (b_fsaccess_init())
    usart_write_line((&AVR32_USART0), " b_fsaccess_init return true \r\n");   
  //fs_g_status = 0x00 OK

  /* Try to init data flash */
  if (at45dbx_mem_check())
    /* display message */
    usart_write_line((&AVR32_USART0), " at45dbx_mem_check return true \r\n");
    /* display error message */
    usart_write_line((&AVR32_USART0),"  at45dbx_mem_check return false\r\n");
    return (-1);
//fs_g_status = 0x00 OK

if (nav_drive_set(LUN_ID_1) == false)
    usart_write_line((&AVR32_USART0)," nav_drive_set return false \r\n");
    return (-1);
//fs_g_status = 0x01 ==> Hardware driver error NOK , but the nav_drive_set(LUN_ID_1) return true !!!!

if( !nav_partition_mount() ) 
    usart_write_line((&AVR32_USART0),"nav_partition_mount return false \r\n");
    return (-1);
//fs_g_status = 0x04 ==> The navigation have already opened a file, but the nav_partition_mount() return true !!!!

if ((ret = open(ACTUAL_CONFIG_FILE_PATH, O_RDONLY)) < 0)
    usart_write_line((&AVR32_USART0),"Opening file failed \r\n");
    return (-1);
//fs_g_status = 0x10 ==16(decimal) open return true !!!!

我认为这不符合逻辑,只有当函数 return 为 false 时才应设置 fs_g_status。 好吧,说说有小问题和大问题导致功能失效,评论不够好。

现在这个函数在freeRTOS任务中使用,我必须在编译中定义符号FREERTOS_USED以在并发访问中保护闪存,在上面的描述中没有定义符号。 现在 nav_partition_mount() return false 和 fs_g_status = 0x01.


您忘记初始化 ctrl_access_semphr, 您必须使用 ctrl_access.c 中定义的函数 ctrl_access_init


bool ctrl_access_init(void)
 // If the handle to the protecting semaphore is not valid,
 if (!ctrl_access_semphr)
   // try to create the semaphore.

   // If the semaphore could not be created, there is no backup solution.
   if (!ctrl_access_semphr) return false;

 return true;


int read_Flash_Data()
  /* initialize FSACCESS mutex and navigators */
  if (b_fsaccess_init())
    usart_write_line((&AVR32_USART0), " b_fsaccess_init return true \r\n");   

  /* initialize ctrl_access semaphore */
  if (ctrl_access_init())
    usart_write_line((&AVR32_USART0), " ctrl_access_init return true \r\n");