Tap 的函数签名(K 组合器)

Function signature of Tap (K-combinator)


tap :: (a -> *) -> a -> a

"This function takes an input object a and a function that performs some action on a. It runs the given function with the supplied object and then returns the object."

  1. 谁能帮我解释一下函数签名中的星号(*)是什么意思?
  2. 下面的实现是否正确?
  3. 如果三种实现方式都正确,那么什么时候应该使用哪一种呢?有例子吗?

实施 1:

const tap = fn => a => { fn(a); return a; };

tap((it) => console.log(it))(10); //10

实施 2:

const tap = a => fn => { fn(a); return a; }; 

tap(10)((it) => console.log(it)); //10

实施 3:

const tap = (a, fn) => {fn(a); return a; };

tap(10, (it) => console.log(it)); //10

这看起来很像 Ramda definition。里面的* 估计有误。 (免责声明:我是 Ramda 的作者之一。)它应该是

// tap :: (a -> b) -> a -> a


const tap = fn => a => { fn(a); return a; };

或者 Ramda 的版本:

const tap = curry((fn, a) => { fn(a); return a; });


// :: Map String User
const users = fetchUsersFromSomewhere();

// :: [Comment] -> [Number]  
const userRatingForComments = R.pipe(
    R.pluck('username'),     // [Comment] -> [String]
    R.tap(console.log),      // for debugging, need to include `bind` in browser envs
//  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^      
    R.map(R.propOf(users)),  // [String] -> [User]
    R.pluck('rating')        // [User] -> [Number]

不过,这确实不是 K 组合器。

1 此代码示例来自我在 Ramda 上的 old article