Rails/Refinery CMS:添加到现有应用程序 + 通过 CMS 修改现有代码

Rails/Refinery CMS: Adding to existing application + modifying existing code via CMS

我一直在阅读关于 Refinery CMS 的文档,但我似乎还没有找到正确的答案。如果你在 Rails 应用程序上有一个现有的 Ruby,有没有办法向它添加 Refinery,然后 运行 一个命令,这样你以前的模型就可以与 Refinery 兼容,也就是说,你设计一个页面,然后它就可以在精炼厂编辑器中编辑了?


If you have an existing Ruby on Rails application

您可以在现有 Rails 应用程序中添加 Refinery CMS: http://www.refinerycms.com/guides/with-an-existing-rails-app

run a command so that your previous models become refinery compatible, that is, you design a page and then it becomes editable in the refinery editors


I'm asking because I'm planning on designing a website for a non-profit that does not have the resources for paid web developers. Is it possible for one web developer to write out the code and then have it all be editable by the editor? Does anyone have any experience with this? Thank you in advance.

为什么不使用像 middleman 或 Jekyll 这样的静态网站生成器?并选择 Headless/Decoupled CMS,例如 Contentful。

Refinery CMS 很快就能像 Headless CMS 一样使用它,但它需要做更多的工作才能做到这一点: