Ios Swift 循环使用 info.plist 中应用程序提供的字体

Ios Swift Looping through Fonts provided by application in info.plist

使用 Xcode 7 和 swift 2

I have assigned a string for each font in Info.plist -> Fonts provided by application -> Array

How do i loop through all these fonts and assign in for loop


var familyList = NSBundle.mainBundle().objectForInfoDictionaryKey("Fonts provided by application") as [String]



for family: AnyObject in UIFont.familyNames() {
    println("Font Family: \(family)")
    for font: AnyObject in UIFont.fontNamesForFamilyName(family as NSString) {
        println("Font Name: \(font)")

要检索 Info.plist 中的信息,您可以使用 objectForInfoDictionaryKey() with UIAppFonts 作为密钥。


let fonts = NSBundle.mainBundle.objectForInfoDictionaryKey(UIAppFonts) as NSArray

这应该会为您提供字体数组。然后由您来构建 UIFont 个对象。