PrimeNG 数据表行跨示例

PrimeNG dataTable rowspan example

我正在使用 PrimeNG 数据表。我希望在 table 的内容中有一些行跨越多个列。在 headers ( 中有一个很好的例子可以做到这一点,但我不确定如何在 table 的内容中做到这一点。行数将是动态的(一些可能有天气和雨,其他可能有雨、水位和流量)。这能做到吗?

visual for rowspan > 1


<p-dataTable [value]="checkout.items" [footerRows]="footerRows">
        <p-column field="main_title" header="Items" styleClass="item-width">

            <template let-col let-mainVO="rowData">

                <tr *ngFor="let c of mainVO[col.field].childVO">
                <tr *ngFor="let d of mainVO[col.field].discounts">
        <p-column field="quantity" header="Quantity"></p-column>
        <p-column field="price" header="Price"></p-column>
        <p-column field="action" header="Action">
                <a href="javascript:void(0)">Delete</a>


这是我的 json:

 this.checkout =
            Message: "CheckoutList",

            items: [

                        main_title: "Value Pack Combo",

                        childVO: [
                                title: "Financial e-Tutorial",
                                price: ""

                                title: "e-Tutorial",
                                price: ""
                                title: "Ratios e-Tutorial",
                                price: ""

                                title: "economics e-Tutorial",
                                price: ""
                        discounts: [
                                title: "Discount price 1",
                                price: "0"

                    quantity: "1",

                    price: "300",
                    currency: "CAD"


                        main_title: "Securities Pack Combo",

                        childVO: [
                            title: "atios e-Tutorial",
                            price: ""

                            title: "omicsrial",
                            price: ""
                            title: "e-Tutorial",
                            price: ""

                            title: "Micro Tutorial",
                            price: ""
                        discounts: [
                            title: "Discount price 1",
                            price: "0"

                    quantity: "1",

                    price: "300",
