SQL Server 2008:查找具有相等值的连续行数

SQL Server 2008: find number of contiguous rows with equal values

我有一个有多个 ID 的 table。每个 Id 都有按顺序索引排列的值。

create table myValues
  id  int,
  ind int,
  val int

insert into myValues
(21, 5, 300),
(21, 4, 310),
(21, 3, 300),
(21, 2, 300),
(21, 1, 345),
(21, 0, 300),
(22, 5, 300),
(22, 4, 300),
(22, 3, 300),
(22, 2, 300),
(22, 1, 395),
(22, 0, 300)





id  ind   val   count
21  5     300   1
21  4     310   1
21  3     300   2
21  2     300   2
21  1     345   1
21  0     300   1
22  5     300   4
22  4     300   4
22  3     300   4
22  2     300   4
22  1     395   1
22  0     300   1

我知道这类似于讨论的孤岛和间隙问题 here


作为中介生成 "islands" 范围的解决方案也可以,例如

id  startind   endind
21  3          2
22  5          2

请注意,每个 id 可以有多个岛屿。



with agg(id, min_ind, max_ind, cnt) as (
    select id, min(ind), max(ind), count(*)
        select id, ind, val, sum(brk) over (partition by id order by ind desc) as grp
                id, ind, val,
                coalesce(sign(lag(ind) over (partition by id, val order by ind desc) - ind - 1), 1) as brk
            from myValues
            ) as d
        ) as d
    group by id, grp
select v.id, v.ind, v.val, a.cnt
from myValues v inner join agg a on a.id = v.id and v.ind between min_ind and max_ind
order by v.id, v.ind desc;

找到连续的组,然后用它做一个 count() 分区

select  id, ind, val, count(*) over (partition by id, val, grp)
    select  *, grp = dense_rank() over (partition by id, val order by ind) - ind
    from    myValues
) d
order by id, ind desc