如何将 IO monad 中的值分配给 RankNType 合格的构造函数

How to assign a value from the IO monad to a RankNType qualified constructor


我使用 Free Monad 创建了一个通用数据存储接口。我想将用户在 运行 时间选择的特定解释器 (:: DataStore a -> IO a) 与其他一些信息一起放入状态 monad 中。我似乎无法在数据结构的这个字段中放入任何东西。



{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, DeriveFunctor #-}

data ProgramState = PS { -- line 3
  , storageInterface :: (forall a. DataStore a -> IO a)

data DataStoreF next = 
     Create    Asset                           ( String -> next)
  |  Read      String                          ( Asset  -> next)
  |  Update    Asset                           ( Bool   -> next)
  |  UpdateAll [Asset]                         ( Bool   -> next)
  |  [...]
  deriving Functor

type DataStore = Free DataStoreF

runMemory :: (IORef (Map String Asset)) -> DataStore a -> IO a
runMemory ms (Pure a) = return a
runMemory ms (Free Create asset next) = [...]
runMemory ms (Free Read   str   next) = [...]

pickStorageInterface :: IO (DataStore a -> IO a)
pickStorageInterface = do
  opts <- parseOptions
  case (storage opts) of
     MemoryStorage -> 
       ms <- readAssetsFromDisk 
       return $ runMemory ms
     SomeOtherStorage -> [...]

restOfProgram :: StateT ProgramState IO
restOfProgram = [...]

main = do
  si <- pickStorageInterface
  let programState = PS { storageInterface = si} -- line 21
  evalState restOfProgram programState

当我尝试这样做时,GHC 抱怨说:

Main.hs: << Line 21 >>
Couldn't match type `a0' with `a'
  because type variable `a' would escape its scope
This (rigid, skolem) type variable is bound by
  a type expected by the context: DataStore a -> IO a
  at Main.hs <<line 3>>
Expected type: DataStore a -> IO a
  Actual type: DataStore a0 -> IO a0
In the `storageInterface' field of a record


我最初的最小示例是最小的。一些进一步的实验表明,当我需要在 IO monad 中加载接口以便读取命令行选项时,问题就出现了。我已经更新了示例以包含该问题。知道了这一点,我也许可以围绕它编写代码。

有趣的 GHCI 告诉我类型 IO (DataStore a -> IO a) 的函数的结果是 DataStore GHC.Prim.Any -> IO GHC.Prim.Any 这不是我所期望的。


pickStorageInterface :: forall a. IO (DataStore a -> IO a)


pickStorageInterface :: IO (forall a. DataStore a -> IO a)

让上面的代码正常工作。唉,在 GHC 中,谓词类型现在处于一个可悲的状态,最好避免。

您可以使用 newtype 围绕通用量化类型的包装器来解决这个问题:

newtype SI = SI { runSI :: forall a. DataStore a -> IO a }

pickStorageInterface :: IO SI
pickStorageInterface = do
  opts <- parseOptions
  case (storage opts) of
     MemoryStorage -> 
       ms <- readAssetsFromDisk 
       return $ SI $ runMemory ms

main = do
  si <- pickStorageInterface
  let programState = PS { storageInterface = runSI si}