为什么开放系统交互的第 4 层(传输层)将数据分成几个数据包?

Why does layer 4 (the transport layer) of the Open System Interaction divide data into several packets?


Layer 4 - Transport: On networks data is divided into several packets. When you are transferring a big file, this file is sliced into several small packets, and then the computer at the other end gets these packets and put the file back together.


将文件分成更小的数据包的原因有很多: 1. 网络拥塞——来自一个设备的单个数据流会阻止其他设备在网络上获得时间,直到文件完全传输。 2. 将文件分成小数据包允许两个端点(路由器和交换机)之间的设备减少处理给定数据包所需的内存量。 3.如果单个数据包在飞行过程中损坏或丢失,可以重新发送而无需重新开始。