
Large Scenario Outline tables without having to explicitly mention all parameters in the step definitons

在Python的behave library, I can write a feature file with a parametrised Scenario Outline like so (adapted from this tutorial中):

# feature file
Feature: Scenario Outline Example

  Scenario Outline: Use Blender with <thing>
    Given I put "<thing>" in a blender
    When I switch the blender on
    Then it should transform into "<other thing>"

    Examples: Amphibians
        | thing         | other thing |
        | Red Tree Frog | mush        |
        | apples        | apple juice |


# steps file
from behave   import given, when, then
from hamcrest import assert_that, equal_to
from blender  import Blender

@given('I put "{thing}" in a blender')
def step_given_put_thing_into_blender(context, thing):
    context.blender = Blender()

@when('I switch the blender on')
def step_when_switch_blender_on(context):

@then('it should transform into "{other_thing}"')
def step_then_should_transform_into(context, other_thing):
    assert_that(context.blender.result, equal_to(other_thing))


但是,给定一个更大的示例 table,其中包含很多列,这很快就会让人难以阅读:

# feature file
Feature: Large Table Example

  Scenario Outline: Use Blender with a lot of things
    Given I put "<first_thing>", "<second_thing>", "<third_thing>", "<fourth_thing>", "<fifth_thing>", "<sixth_thing>", "<seventh_thing>" in a blender
    When I switch the blender on
    Then it should transform into "<other thing>"

    Examples: Things
        | first thing | second thing | third thing | fourth thing | fifth thing | sixth thing | seventh thing |
        | a     | b             | c  | d           | e            | f           | g           | h             |
        | i     | j             | k  | l           | m            | n           | o           | p             |

# steps file    
@given('I put "{first_thing}", "{second_thing}", "{third_thing}", "{fourth_thing}", "{fifth_thing}", "{sixth_thing}", "{seventh_thing}",  in a blender')
def step_given_put_thing_into_blender(context, first_thing, second_thing, third_thing, fourth_thing, fifth_thing, sixth_thing, seventh_thing):
    context.blender = Blender()

我觉得意思很明确。是否有可能将示例从大型 table 转移到步骤定义中,而不必明确提及所有示例?例如,它们是否保存在上下文变量中的某处,即使没有在文本中提及它们(还无法在那里找到它们)?






除了考虑是否真的需要使用大型场景大纲 tables(参见另一个答案)之外,确实可以在不明确提及所有参数的情况下访问当前 table 行在 given/when/then 步骤中通过 context.active_outline (which is a bit hidden in the appendix of the documentation).

context.active_outline returns a behave.model.row object 可以通过以下方式访问:

  • context.active_outline.headings returns 是 table headers 的列表,无论当前迭代的行是什么 (first_thing second_thing 等问题示例中的 )
  • context.active_outline.cells returns 当前迭代行的单元格值列表 (a, b , c 等在问题的例子中)
  • index-based 像 context.active_outline[0] return 一样访问第一列的单元格值(无论标题如何)等
  • named-based 像 context.active_outline['first_thing'] return 一样访问具有 first_thing [=56= 的列的单元格值], 不管它的索引

作为 context.active_outline.headingscontext.active_outline.cells return 列表,还可以做一些有用的事情,例如 for heading, cell in zip(context.active_outline.headings, context.active_outline.cells) 来遍历 heading-value 对等