正在获取 table 个分区 ID
Fetching table partition id in progress
在 OpenEdge 11.4 中实施 table 分区:knowledgebase.progress。com/articles/Article/P58968
select "_index-name"
from PUB."_index" idx,
PUB."_file" fi
where fi."_file-name" = 'Customer'
and **idx.rowid** = (select"_file"."_prime-index" from PUB."_file" fs
where fs."_file-name"='Customer');
如何更改上述查询以获取分区详细信息以与 ROWID 进行比较?
select "_index-name"
from PUB."_index" idx,
PUB."_file" fi
where fi."_file-name" = 'Customer'
and idx.pro_partn_rowid = (select"_file"."_prime-index" from PUB."_file" fs
where fs."_file-name"='Customer');
在 OpenEdge 11.4 中实施 table 分区:knowledgebase.progress。com/articles/Article/P58968
select "_index-name"
from PUB."_index" idx,
PUB."_file" fi
where fi."_file-name" = 'Customer'
and **idx.rowid** = (select"_file"."_prime-index" from PUB."_file" fs
where fs."_file-name"='Customer');
如何更改上述查询以获取分区详细信息以与 ROWID 进行比较?
select "_index-name"
from PUB."_index" idx,
PUB."_file" fi
where fi."_file-name" = 'Customer'
and idx.pro_partn_rowid = (select"_file"."_prime-index" from PUB."_file" fs
where fs."_file-name"='Customer');