结构可以在标准 ML 中实现多个签名吗?

Can a structure implement multiple signatures in Standard ML?

我最近想知道标准 ML 结构是否可以实现多个签名,类似于 class 可以在 Java 中实现多个接口。快速搜索显示 this web page Bob Harper 说这确实是可能的(强调我的):

[...] the relationship between signatures and structures in ML is many-to-many, whereas in some languages (such as Modula-2) the relationship is one-to-one or many-to-one. This means that in ML a signature may serve as the interface for many different structures, and that a structure may implement many different signatures.



  1. 可能吗?
  2. 如果是,语法是什么?

编辑:经过一番尝试,我认为 Bob Harper 实际上指的是 签名匹配。这个片段是一个小例子,其中一个结构被发现与两个不同的签名相匹配:

signature S1 = sig val s1 : int end
signature S2 = sig val s2 : string end

functor F1 (A : S1) = struct val f1 = A.s1 end
functor F2 (B : S2) = struct val f2 = B.s2 end

structure C =
  val s1 = 1
  val s2 = "1"

structure F1C = F1 (C)
structure F2C = F2 (C)


structure C : S1 and S2 = ...

没有语法可以用 单个 注释来强制执行它,但是你可以,例如做

structure C = struct ... end
structure C1 : S1 = C
structure C2 : S2 = C


structure C = struct ... end
  structure C1 : S1 = C
  structure C2 : S2 = C
in end



signature S1 = sig type 'a t; val v : int t; val w : string t end
signature S2 = sig val v : int end
functor F (X : S1 and S2) = (* what is X.t here? *)

X.t 的类型有两种可能的解决方案,以便 X.v 的类型与两个签名一致:

type 'a t = int

type 'a t = 'a

问题是它们没有可比性,即 none 比另一个好。在一种情况下 X.w 是一个整数,在另一种情况下是一个字符串。从本质上讲,这里发生的是你通过后门引入了一种高阶统一形式,这在一般情况下是不可判定的。