是否可以使用 Avaya DMCC .NET 获取来电的 UUI 或 AAI?

Is it possible to get the UUI or AAI of an incoming call using Avaya DMCC .NET?

我正在尝试开发一个 CTI 与 .NET 的 avaya DMCC 库的非常糟糕的文档集成。我已经四处寻找了几个小时,但找不到任何方法从来电中获取 UUI 变量,无论是使用 ThirdPartyController 的事件 OnEstablishedEventOnDeliveredEvent 还是 ServiceProvider.GetCallInformationLink.GetCallInformation方法。

甚至可以使用 Avaya DMCC .NET 获取 UUI 或 AAI 吗?


In Release 5.2 DMCC does not provide an application the ability to set UUI data. You need to do that through TSAPI, JTAPI oCVLAN or DLG at the present time. Avaya plans to release new functionality with AE Services Release 6.0 that would allow an application access to the get/set UUI capabilities through DMCC.

At this point in time with AE Services 6.1 the so called unified DMCC API which provides most TSAPI services through the DMCC API allows applications the ability to send UUI information with the typical call requests from the call control services portion of the API.

Avaya forums 2010 年 11 月