
Thread-pool friendly approach to Sleep?

我想在 ASP.net 应用程序中插入一个睡眠(又名节流、延迟、缓缓、停留)(想象一下类似失败的登录尝试升级延迟)。

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Int32 sleepyTime = GetSleepyTime(Request);

    if (sleepyTime > 0)

    //...Continue normal processing


问题是 ASP.net 使用线程池来处理请求。如果我要 Sleep 5、10、30 秒,我就会吃掉宝贵的有限资源。


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Int32 sleepyTime = GetSleepyTime(Request);

    if (sleepyTime > 0)

    //...Continue normal processing

private void ABetterKindOfSleep(int milliseconds)
   await SleepAsync(milliseconds);

private async void SleepAsync(int milliseconds)

但从未编写过任何 async/await 代码,也不了解 asyncawait 去向、原因或原因背后的逻辑,即使它可以用于 运行异步代码:不知道能不能用来[=44​​=]异步代码


async 等价于 Thread.Sleepawait Task.Delay:

if (sleepyTime > 0)
  await Task.Delay(sleepyTime);

请注意,这必须在 async 方法的上下文中使用,并且在可以使用 async 的地方存在限制(特别是在 WebForms 上)。有关详细信息,请参阅我的 article on async ASP.NET and the official tutorial on async WebForms.


首先你创建一个 IHttpModule class:

class TarpitHttpModule : IHttpModule

然后通过在 web.config:

中注册让 IIS 知道这个模块
      <modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true">
         <add name="Tarpit" type="TarpitHttpModule"/>


         <add name="Tarpit" type="TarpitHttpModule"/>

只要有 http 请求进来,IIS 就会调用您的 .Init 方法。这是您将使用以下方式注册异步事件处理程序的地方:


public void Init(HttpApplication application)
    //This is the synchronous event handler; which we don't want
    //application.BeginRequest += new EventHandler(this.Application_BeginRequest);

    //EventHandlerTaskAsyncHelper requires .NET 4.5
    //  Archive: http://archive.is/Cdvle
    //Normally you'd have to write a pair of methods:
    //    application.AddOnBeginRequestAsync(OnBegin, OnEnd);
    //and then we'd have to write an OnBegin which returns IAsyncResult, and then OnEnd which takes the IAsyncResult.
    //The modern way is to use Tasks, and use the IAsyncResult that a Task **is**.
    //Fortunately the .NET team wrote a handy class that wraps up the boilerplate catching faults, etc,
    //and created the EventHandlerTaskAsyncHelper class

    var beginTaskHelper = new EventHandlerTaskAsyncHelper(BeginRequestAsync);
    application.AddOnBeginRequestAsync(beginTaskHelper.BeginEventHandler, beginTaskHelper.EndEventHandler);

所以现在我们必须提供 BeginRequestAsync 异步处理程序:

async Task BeginRequestAsync(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var application = (HttpApplication)sender;
    var context = application.Context;

    // In reality i would use the context.Request to come up with a unique key 
    // for this user agent e.g. 
    String key = SHA256(UserHostAddress+UserAgent+AcceptTypes+UserLanguages).ToBase64();
    // And use that as a cache key store information about this user agent
    Object tarpitInfo = context.Cache.Get(agentIdentity);
    if (ti == null)

    // But in this SO demo, i'm just going to unconditionally sleep
    Boolean waitPerformed = await PerformDelay(context, tarpitInfo);
    if (waitPerformed)
        context.Response.StatusCode = 429;
        context.Response.StatusDescription = "Too Many Requests";


async Task<Boolean> PerformDelay(HttpContext context, TarInfo ti)
    int delayMs = 3000;
    Task delay = Task.Delay(delayMs);
    await delay;
    return true;

我还想阻止机器人流量攻击登录端点,我担心如果我只是等待,我会达到最大并发请求或 运行 内存不足。我还没有找到使用 Windows 和 Asp.Net.


我喜欢它 done here 的方式,它改变了 TCP/IP 堆栈的行为以缩小 window 大小而不是 ACK 后续数据包,这使得远程以指数方式返回关闭,只发送少量数据。

我可能会在前面添加一些 Linux 虚拟机 运行ning HAProxy 以利用其 DDOS capabilities