如何使用 Python 制作一个长期有效的 Picasa 令牌(或一般的 Google 启用 oAuth 2.0 的服务)?

How to make a long live Picasa token (or general Google oAuth 2.0 enabled services) using Python?

不得不说,我不太清楚如何将 oAuth 2.0 与 Picasa API 版本 2 一起使用。从 Google 文档本身 (cmiiw),我得到的印象是 Picasa API 版本 1 已弃用,这意味着 Python Picasa 的 gdata(仅支持版本 1)根本没用。

因此,我使用基本的 Picasa documentation 开发了自己的 class。但是,我发现生成的令牌非常短暂:用户必须再次重新验证 him/herself。我们能否让用户只重新验证一个,并且令牌过期后会以某种方式自动刷新?

这是我为解决这个 Picasa 问题而开发的 oAuth class。很想就如何解决此问题提出建议 class 以允许长期存在的令牌

class OAuth():
Simplify oauth process
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
    self.client_secret_file = kwargs.get('client_secret_file')
    self.token_location = os.path.join(kwargs.get('token_location'), kwargs.get('token_filename'))
    self.scope = kwargs.get('scope')
    self.credentials = None

def is_authenticated(self):
    storage = Storage(self.token_location)
    self.credentials = storage.get()
    authenticated = self.credentials is not None and not self.credentials.invalid
    Logger.debug('oAuth: authenticated = %s' % authenticated)
    return authenticated

def authenticate(self):
    if self.scope is None:
        Logger.error('oauth: please specify scope')

    missing_message = '''
    WARNING: Please configure OAuth 2.0
    To make this code run you will need to populate the client_secrets.json file
    found at: %s
    with information from the Developers Console
    For more information about the client_secrets.json file format, please visit:
    ''' % self.client_secret_file

    flow = flow_from_clientsecrets(self.client_secret_file,

    # ca_certs_file = os.path.join('cacert.pem')
    flags = argparser.parse_args()
    storage = Storage(self.token_location)
    self.credentials = run_flow(flow, storage, flags)#, http=httplib2.Http(ca_certs=ca_certs_file))

已编辑: 我在这里添加我的解决方案。

def get_album_list(self):
    if self._album_list is not None:
        return self._album_list

    http = httplib2.Http(ca_certs=os.environ['REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE'])
    http = self.oauth.credentials.authorize(http)
    response, album_list = http.request(Picasa.PHOTOS_URL, 'GET')

    if response['status'] == '403':
        response, album_list = http.request(Picasa.PHOTOS_URL, 'GET')
    album_list = json.load(StringIO(album_list))

    self._album_list = {}
    for e in album_list['feed']['entry']:
        album_id = unicode(e['id']['$t'].split('/')[9]).split('?')[0]
        self._album_list[e['title']['$t']] = album_id
    return self._album_list





也可以考虑使用 https://github.com/google/oauth2client