Haskell 具有单参数函数的原因是像 lambda 演算吗?

Was the reason that Haskell had single-argument functions to be like lambda calculus?

LYAHFGG we read中:

Every function in Haskell officially only takes one parameter.

Lambda Calculus we read 的描述中:

The second simplification is that the λ-calculus only uses functions of a single input.

我的问题是:Haskell 的单参数函数像 lambda 演算的原因是什么?


Haskell 确实强烈地想要像甚至基于 lambda 演算。来自 A History of Haskell: Being Lazy with Class 的选择引用:

The simplicity and elegance of functional programming captivated the present authors, and many other researchers with them. Lazy evaluation— with its direct connection to the pure, call-by-name lambda calculus, the remarkable possibility of representing and manipulating infinite data structures, and addictively simple and beautiful implementation techniques—was like a drug.