Golang - 无法将数字解组为字符串类型的 Go 值

Golang - Cannot unmarshal number into Go value of type string

当我尝试 json.Unmarshal 一些 JSON 网站代码到我创建的结构中时,我收到以下错误:

cannot unmarshal number into Go value of type string





package main

import (

type movie struct {
    Adult         bool
    Backdrop_path string
    Budget        int
    Genres        []struct {
        Id   int // string
        Name string
    Homepage             string
    Id                   int
    Imdb_id              string
    Original_language    string
    Original_title       string
    Overview             string
    Popularity           float64 //    string
    Poster_path          string
    Production_companies []struct {
        Name string
        Id   int
    Production_countries []struct {
        Name string
    Release_date     string
    Revenue          int
    Runtime          int
    Spoken_languages []struct {
        Name string
    Status       string
    Tagline      string
    Title        string
    Video        bool
    Vote_average float64
    Vote_count   int
    Embedurl     string

func main() {
    var movieData movie
    str := `
    "original_title":"¡Three Amigos!",
    "overview":"Three unemployed actors accept an invitation to a Mexican village to replay their bandit fighter roles, unaware that it is the real thing.",
        "name":"L.A. Films",
        "name":"Home Box Office (HBO)",
        "name":"United States of America"
    "tagline":"They're Down On Their Luck And Up To Their Necks In Senoritas, Margaritas, Banditos And Bullets!",
    "title":"Three Amigos",
    err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(str), &movieData)
    if err != nil {

基本上,结构有一些问题; 人们可能想使用 JSON-to-Go


json: cannot unmarshal number into Go struct field id of type string

这意味着 Go 无法将 JSON 数字(例如 "id": 35)编组为 Go 字符串 属性

  • 要么id变成字符串"id": "35";或
  • id 类型更改为 int 类型
type movie struct {
    Genres []struct {
        Id   int
        Name string
