如何嵌套numba jitclass

How to nest numba jitclass

我正在尝试了解 @jitclass 装饰器如何与嵌套 类 一起工作。我写了两个虚拟 类:fifi 和 toto fifi 有一个 toto 属性。 类 都有 @jitclass 装饰器,但编译失败。这是代码:


from numba import jitclass, float64
from toto import toto

spec = [('a',float64),('b',float64),('c',toto)]

class fifi(object):
  def __init__(self, combis):
    self.a = combis
    self.b = 2
    self.c = toto(combis)

  def mySqrt(self,x):
    s = x
    for i in xrange(self.a):
      s = (s + x/s) / 2.0
    return s


from numba import jitclass,int32

spec = [('n',int32)]

class toto(object):
  def __init__(self,n):
    self.n = 42 + n

  def work(self,y):
    return y + self.n


from datetime import datetime
from fifi import fifi
from numba import jit

@jit(nopython = True)
def run(n,results):
  for i in xrange(n):
    q = fifi(200)
    results[i+1] = q.mySqrt(i + 1)

if __name__ == '__main__':
  n = int(1e6)
  results = [0.0] * (n+1)
  starttime = datetime.now()
  endtime = datetime.now()

  print("Script running time: %s"%str(endtime-starttime))
  print("Sqrt of 144 is %f"%results[145])

当我 运行 脚本时,我得到 [...]

TypingError: Untyped global name 'toto' File "fifi.py", line 11

请注意,如果我在 'fifi' 中删除对 'toto' 的任何引用,代码工作正常,并且由于 numba,我得到了 x16 的加速。

可以将一个 jitclass 用作另一个 jitclass 的成员,尽管没有很好地记录这样做的方法。您需要使用 deferred_type 实例。这适用于 Numba 0.27 或更早版本。将 fifi.py 更改为:

from numba import jitclass, float64, deferred_type
from toto import toto

toto_type = deferred_type()

spec = [('a',float64),('b',float64),('c',toto_type)]

class fifi(object):
  def __init__(self, combis):
    self.a = combis
    self.b = 2
    self.c = toto(combis)

  def mySqrt(self,x):
    s = x
    for i in xrange(self.a):
      s = (s + x/s) / 2.0
    return s


$ python test.py
Script running time: 0:00:01.991600
Sqrt of 144 is 12.041595
