基于 Flask 中的 Accept header 路由请求

Route requests based on the Accept header in Flask

我想根据接受 HTTP header 路由到不同的 Flask 视图,例如:

@api.route('/test', accept='text/html')
def test_html():
    return "<html><body>Test</body></html>"

@api.route('/test', accept='text/json')
def test_json():
    return jsonify(test="Test")

我没有在Werkzeug Rule constructor中找到相关的选项,这是Flask使用的。它是缺少的功能还是有可能以不同的方式实现相同的效果,例如通过在路由之前拦截和修改 URL 路径?


我知道 similar question has been asked, but nobody answered it using Flask. It's possible to do it in different web frameworks, for example in Pyramid using predicates - sample code can be found in this answer

我写了一个 decorator 来做到这一点(为后代复制这里)。这只是一个可以进一步改进的粗略想法(例如,当没有与给定 MIME 类型匹配的处理程序时,返回 406 Not Acceptable 响应而不是使用默认处理程序)。更多解释在评论中。

import functools
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify

app = Flask(__name__)

def accept(func_or_mimetype=None):
    """Decorator which allows to use multiple MIME type handlers for a single

    # Default MIME type.
    mimetype = 'text/html'

    class Accept(object):
        def __init__(self, func):
            self.default_mimetype = mimetype
            self.accept_handlers = {mimetype: func}
            functools.update_wrapper(self, func)

        def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            default = self.default_mimetype
            mimetypes = request.accept_mimetypes
            best = mimetypes.best_match(self.accept_handlers.keys(), default)
            # In case of Accept: */*, choose default handler.
            if best != default and mimetypes[best] == mimetypes[default]:
                best = default
            return self.accept_handlers[best](*args, **kwargs)

        def accept(self, mimetype):
            """Register a MIME type handler."""

            def decorator(func):
                self.accept_handlers[mimetype] = func
                return func
            return decorator

    # If decorator is called without argument list, return Accept instance.
    if callable(func_or_mimetype):
        return Accept(func_or_mimetype)

    # Otherwise set new MIME type (if provided) and let Accept act as a
    # decorator.
    if func_or_mimetype is not None:
        mimetype = func_or_mimetype
    return Accept

@accept     # Or: @accept('text/html')
def index():
    return '<strong>foobar</strong>'

def index_json():
    return jsonify(foobar=True)

def index_text():
    return 'foobar\n', 200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}



from flask import Flask, jsonify
from flask_accept import accept
app = Flask(__name__)

def hello_world():
    return 'Hello World!'

def hello_world_json():
    return jsonify(result="Hello World!")

if __name__ == '__main__':

如果您只想根据请求是否为特定数据类型来拒绝请求,您也可以使用 Flask-Negotiate

from flask import Flask
from flask_negotiate import consumes, produces

app = Flask(__name__)

def consumes_json_only():
    return 'consumes json only'

When one tries to access the endpoint without a valid Accept header:

$ curl localhost:5000 -I
HTTP 415 (Unsupported Media Type)

您可以 return 基于接受 header 使用 request 的不同响应类型。例子.

if request.accept_mimetypes['application/json']:
           return jsonify(<object>), '200 OK'