盒装 Fn 仅在测试时才需要 lifetime 'static?

Boxed Fn requires lifetime 'static only when testing?

使用 rustc 1.10.0,我正在尝试编写一些代码来传递盒装闭包——最终目标是按程序生成分形动画。现在我有一些像这样的函数签名:

pub fn interpolate_rectilinear(width: u32, height: u32, mut min_x: f64, mut max_x: f64, mut min_y: f64, mut max_y: f64)
    -> Box<Fn(u32, u32) -> Complex64 + Send + Sync + 'static> { ... }

pub fn interpolate_stretch(width: u32, height: u32, mut min_x: f64, mut max_x: f64, mut min_y: f64, mut max_y: f64)
    -> Box<Fn(u32, u32) -> Complex64 + Send + Sync + 'static> { ... }

pub fn parallel_image<F>(width: u32, height: u32, function: &F, interpolate: &Box<Fn(u32, u32) -> Complex64 + Send + Sync>, threshold: f64)
    -> ImageBuffer<image::Luma<u8>, Vec<u8>>
        where F: Sync + Fn(Complex64) -> Complex64
{ ... }

pub fn sequential_image<F>(width: u32, height: u32, function: &F, interpolate: &Box<Fn(u32, u32) -> Complex64>, threshold: f64)
    -> ImageBuffer<image::Luma<u8>, Vec<u8>>
        where F: Fn(Complex64) -> Complex64
{ ... }

运行 此代码在二进制文件中一次处理一个图像没有问题:

let interpolate = interpolate_rectilinear(width, height, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0);
let image = parallel_image(width * 2, height * 2, &default_julia, &interpolate, 2.0);


fn test_serial_parallel_agree() {
    let (width, height) = (200, 200);
    let threshold = 2.0;
    let interpolate = interpolate_stretch(width, height, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0);

    assert!(parallel_image(width, height, &default_julia, &interpolate, threshold)
        .zip(sequential_image(width, height, &default_julia, &interpolate, threshold)
        .all(|(p, s)| p == s));


> cargo test
Compiling julia-set v0.3.0 
src/lib.rs:231:66: 231:78 error: mismatched types [E0308]
src/lib.rs:231             .zip(sequential_image(width, height, &default_julia, &interpolate, threshold)
src/lib.rs:229:9: 233:36 note: in this expansion of assert! (defined in <std macros>)
src/lib.rs:231:66: 231:78 help: run `rustc --explain E0308` to see a detailed explanation
src/lib.rs:231:66: 231:78 note: expected type `&Box<std::ops::Fn(u32, u32) -> num::Complex<f64> + 'static>`
src/lib.rs:231:66: 231:78 note:    found type `&Box<std::ops::Fn(u32, u32) -> num::Complex<f64> + Send + Sync>`
error: aborting due to previous error
Build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
error: Could not compile `julia-set`.

我真的不知道那里发生了什么。我不知道为什么我需要在插值函数的盒装 return 类型中手动标记 SendSync,而编译器通常会自动派生这些特征。不过,我只是不断添加编译器建议的标记,直到一切正常。

真正的问题是,虽然我想我有一个很好的猜测为什么你不能只标记一个盒装闭包 'static,但我不知道在这种情况下什么需要那个生命周期或者如何修复它。

我确实猜到问题可能是我试图同时从两个读取借用中引用闭包,(这应该没问题,但我很绝望);无论如何,将 interpolate 包装在 Rc 中会给出完全相同的错误,所以这不是问题所在。


pub fn sequential_image<F>(
    interpolate: &Box<Fn(u32, u32) -> Complex64>,
    ...) -> ...

interpolate 不期望 &Box<Fn(u32, u32) -> Complex64 + Send + Sync>,并且 Rust 在处理所有这些复杂性的方差方面非常糟糕。


sequential_image(width, height, &default_julia,
    &(interpolate as Box<Fn(u32, u32) -> Complex64>),

但这需要 sequential_image 的值大小写并且非常难看。

更好的方法是将 sequential_image 的参数固定为更通用且更易于编译器推理的参数:基本指针。

pub fn sequential_image<F>(
    interpolate: &Fn(u32, u32) -> Complex64,
    ...) -> ...


sequential_image(width, height, &default_julia,
