AspNetCore.Mvc 对比 AspNetCore.Mvc.Core

AspNetCore.Mvc vs AspNetCore.Mvc.Core

AspNetCore.Mvc 和 AspNetCore.Mvc.Core NuGet 包有什么区别? Mvc.Core 只是简单的东西,而 Mvc 是一个包罗万象的包吗?这是我从描述中猜到的 here and here 但还不是很清楚。

AspNetCore.Mvc 已为您设置好所有基本内容

如果你想使用 AspNetCore.Mvc.Core 你必须自己配置它们

使用 AspNetCore.Mvc 似乎是明智的,除非你知道你需要 AspNetCore.Mvc.Core

  • If you use .AddMvc() then you get a lot of "opinionated" features, e.g. what kind of app are you building, which formatters are registered and in what order, which application conventions are there by default.
  • If you use .AddMvcCore() ("and you know what you're doing) then the behavior of your application will be decided by your own opinions and not the built-in default opinions.