HttpCookie.Path 和映射的 url

HttpCookie.Path and mapped urls

根据官方文档页面HttpCookie.Path :

The Path property extends the Domain property to completely describe the specific URL to which the cookie applies. For example, in the URL http:/, the domain is and the path is /asp.

然后他们提供了一个例子:MyCookie.Path = "/asp";

在我看来,前面的陈述提出的问题多于答案。 所以我的问题是如果我像前面的例子一样设置 cookie 并且我有一个像 /asp/{id} 这样的映射路由会发生什么?也行吗?

如果我只用 asp 定义没有 / 的路径,也会影响吗? 还有一个问题,之前设置的范围是什么(我的意思是我可以从哪些 url 读取 cookie)?

我在另一个 official page 上找到了他们写的小写字母的答案:

The path can either be a physical path under the site root or a virtual root. The effect will be that the cookie is available only to pages in the Application1 folder or virtual root. For example, if your site is called, the cookie created in the previous example will be available to pages with the path and to any pages beneath that folder. However, the cookie will not be available to pages in other applications such as or just


HttpCookie appCookie = new HttpCookie("AppCookie");
appCookie.Value = "written " + DateTime.Now.ToString();
appCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);
appCookie.Path = "/Application1";


By default, cookies are associated with a specific domain. For example, if your site is, the cookies you write are sent to the server when users request any page from that site. (This might not include cookies with a specific path value.) If your site has subdomains—for example,,, and—then you can associate cookies with a specific subdomain. To do so, set the cookie's Domain property, as in this example:

Response.Cookies["domain"].Value = DateTime.Now.ToString();
Response.Cookies["domain"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);
Response.Cookies["domain"].Domain = "";

When the domain is set in this way, the cookie will be available only to pages in the specified subdomain. You can also use the Domain property to create a cookie that can be shared among multiple subdomains, as shown in the following example:

//The cookie will then be available to the primary domain as well as to and domains.
Response.Cookies["domain"].Value = DateTime.Now.ToString();
Response.Cookies["domain"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);
Response.Cookies["domain"].Domain = "";

我已使用以下代码更改 cookie 路径。希望它也对你有用。

System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies.Add(new HttpCookie("ASP.NET_SessionId") { Path = "/Application", Value = newID });