Fluent validation:如何自定义错误的请求消息格式?

Fluent validation: How to customize the bad request message format?


if (!ModelState.IsValid)
   return BadRequest(ModelState);


  "Message": "The request is invalid.",
  "ModelState": {
    "stocks.SellerType": [
      "SellerType should be greater than 101"
    "stocks.SourceId": [
      "SourceId should be less than 300"

如何自定义此错误消息格式。我知道如何自定义错误消息,即 "SourceId should be less than 300"。但我不知道如何更改 "Message"、删除或重命名 json 字段 "ModelState"?

更新:要更改默认消息并保持 ModelState 错误的默认格式,您可以使用 HttpError class:

if (!ModelState.IsValid)
    return Content(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest,
        new HttpError(ModelState, includeErrorDetail: true)
            Message = "Custom mesage"

或者您可以为验证结果定义自己的模型,并 return 它具有所需的状态代码(重命名 json 字段 "ModelState")。例如:

class ValdationResult
    public string Message { get; }
    public HttpError Errors { get; }

    public ValdationResult(string message, ModelStateDictionary modelState)
        Message = message;
        Errors = new HttpError(modelState, includeErrorDetail: true).ModelState;

if (!ModelState.IsValid)
    return Content(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, 
        new ValdationResult("Custom mesage", ModelState));