Syncfusion DocIO 用合并字段替换文本

Syncfusion DocIO Replace Text with merge Field

我有一大堆文档,其中包含像 ~{fieldToBeReplaced} 这样的纯文本位置标记,我希望将其替换为合并字段。

我有以下代码,它插入合并字段,然后插入文本 << MERGEFIELD_NAME >>。

我想要的是显示名称的合并域,就像我在 word 中插入->合并域一样。

</p> <pre><code>//linqPad Script void Main() { Console.WriteLine("::::: Replacing BookMarks ::::: "); //Search And Replace bookmarks try { var replaceDir = new DirectoryInfo(saveFileLocation); var bookmarkFiles = replaceDir.GetFiles().ToList(); foreach (var bkmFile in bookmarkFiles) { if (SearchReplaceBookmarks(bkmFile.FullName)) { Console.WriteLine("Bookmarks Replace:" + bkmFile.Name + " ::: "); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: ::: " + ex.Message); } } static string startDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Util.CurrentQueryPath); string saveFileLocation = startDir + @"\Converted\"; private List<fieldReplace> fieldList = new List<fieldReplace>() { //new fieldReplace("",""), new fieldReplace("~{U-nm}","_Doctor"), new fieldReplace("~{P-nl}","_Patient_Surname","Patient_Firstname"), new fieldReplace("~{DOBN}","_Patient_DOB"), new fieldReplace("~{U-ph","_Doctor_PhoneWork"),//Surgeon Business new fieldReplace("~{U-pm}","_Doctor_PhoneMobile")//Surgeon After Hours } // Define other methods and classes here private bool SearchReplaceBookmarks(string filename) { try { WordDocument wordDocument = new WordDocument(filename); //Adds one section and one paragraph to the document foreach (var fld in fieldList) { var replaceBookmark = wordDocument.Find(fld.TextToReplace, false, true); //if the bookmark is in the list then while (replaceBookmark != null) { //Find and replace text with merge field. var paragraph = new WParagraph(wordDocument); for (int i =0 ; i<= fld.FieldNames.Length-1;i++){ var field = paragraph.AppendField(fld.FieldNames[i], FieldType.FieldMergeField); field.FieldType = FieldType.FieldMergeField; if (i < fld.FieldNames.Length - 1) { paragraph.AppendText(", ");} } var selection = new TextSelection(paragraph, 0, paragraph.Text.Length); wordDocument.Replace(fld.TextToReplace, selection, true, true); //This is where the Merge Field is meant to be inserted replaceBookmark = wordDocument.FindNext(paragraph, fld.TextToReplace, false, true); } } //Debug.Write( wordDocument.MailMerge.MappedFields); wordDocument.Save(filename, FormatType.Docx); wordDocument.Close(); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR:" + filename + " ::: " + ex.Message); return false; } } private class fieldReplace { public fieldReplace(string oldText, params string[] newNewFieldName) { this.TextToReplace = oldText; this.FieldNames = newNewFieldName; } public string TextToReplace { get; set; } public string[] FieldNames { get; set; } }

在分析您提到的场景时, 1)从Word文档中查找占位符文本。 2) 将占位符文本替换为合并字段和 MS Word 文档中要替换的字段。

是的,使用 DocIO 可以将占位符文本替换为与 MS Word 等效的合并字段。我们已修改您的代码以满足您的要求。我们使用了 Replace() 方法的 TextBodyPart 重载。请找到以下代码片段。

修改后的代码片段 TextBodyPart bodyPart = new TextBodyPart(wordDocument); bodyPart.BodyItems.Add(段落); wordDocument.Replace(fld.TextToReplace, bodyPart, true, true);

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