C11 标准文档

C11 Standard docs

从此SO protected question开始,我试图了解这些文件之间的区别:

  1. 9899 2012 成本 </code></li> <li><a href="http://webstore.ansi.org/RecordDetail.aspx?sku=ISO%2fIEC+9899%3a2011" rel="nofollow noreferrer">9899 2011</a> 成本 <code>5


有人买了 INCITS 吗?


正如@Chqrlie 所指出的:免费提供的 ANSI 和 ISO 官方文档与可从官方网站免费获取的最终草案有什么区别 open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n1570.pdf


  • 安思

    The ISO/IEC 9899:2011 is the original ISO standard published by ISO.
    The INCITS/ISO/IEC 9899-2012 is the domestic U.S. adoption of the ISO.

  • 煽动

    Technically, the two standards are identical. The US version has additional front matter to add a U.S. cover and adoption date details. Once we adopt the international standard, we can set the price based on our fee schedule, which generally results in a lesser fee than buying the ISO version.

    To provide more background on this, most INCITS technical committees hold U. S. Technical Advisory Group (TAG) relationships to ISO/IEC JTC 1 subcommittees and working groups and, to some ISO technical committees, subcommittees and working groups.
    Subject to a few exceptions, INCITS adopts all ISO/IEC or ISO standards that fall within its program of work as “Identical” American National Standards in accordance with the ANSI “Expedited Procedures for the Identical Adoption of an ISO or IEC standard as an American National Standard”.

    Similarly, INCITS will generally withdraw any such adopted American National Standard that has been withdrawn as an ISO/IEC or ISO International Standard.

What is the difference between the ANSI and ISO official documents available for a free and the final draft freely accessible from the official website at open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n1570.pdf

n1570 中有几个错误的句子提到 _Alignof 的表达式,这是不存在的。因此 _Alignof 从、p3、p4、fn 中删除。 65;和 6.7.1 fn。 121.

请注意,自 C11 以来,我们有一个(非常微不足道的)技术更正和大量公认的缺陷报告,符合 C11 的编译器可能会在新的 TC 或标准之前实施。