Pentaho BI Server 5.0.1 是否有 Saiku Reporting 插件?

Is there Saiku Reporting plugin for Pentaho BI Server 5.0.1?

Saiku 报告 1.0-GA 可在此处获取:


To put Saiku-Reports under the ACL, add .adhoc to the acl-files in pentaho.xml

我有以前的版本 4.8,在 pentaho.xml 文件中有一个块。


  acl-files tag was added in support of PPP-130 

  * Allow specification of ACLs on .url files

  * Allow specification of files acl-able to be
    in the configuration

  Usage: List the file extensions of files allowed to have
  acls. This is a performance tuning exercise since any file
  with an extension in this list can have ACLs applied.


对于版本 5.0.1,此块缺失。

我按照说明操作了,但是 Saiku Reporting 插件在 Pentaho BI 服务器 CE 5.0.1.


Thank you!

Our Kickstarter for Saiku Reporting has been fully funded. This is great news for the Saiku platform and will allow us to build out a great new Saiku Reporting product with the help from our community. Stay tuned for more updates.


我在哪里可以找到 Pentaho BI Server 5 的 Saiku 报告插件?也许还有其他安装方式?

您需要从市场下载并安装 saiku 插件。 到达市场后不要 select 直接下载按钮。默认它有 select 企业版。 所以从select社区下拉然后开始下载。 下载后,您需要按照说明进行配置。 简单的步骤,例如注册并将许可证文件放入相关文件夹。(您将看到一个带有详细说明的弹出窗口)。

完成此更改后,您将获得 saiku 选项,同时单击新建。