是否可以在 Dynamics CRM (2013/2016) 中以编程方式禁用审计?

Is it possible to disable audit programmatically in Dynamics CRM (2013/2016)?

是否有使用 CRM 服务全局禁用审核的选项?它可以通过网络界面完成,但我需要以编程方式完成。


看来您应该尝试调用 Web 服务来更新组织记录的 IsAuditEnabled 字段。

Configure entities and attributes for auditing

You enable or disable auditing at the organization level by setting a particular attribute value of the organization record.

Organization entity messages and methods

An organization represents the top level of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM business hierarchy. The organization can be a specific business, holding company, or corporation. The schema name for this entity is Organization.

Organization entity attributes

IsAuditEnabled - Is Auditing Enabled - Boolean - Indicates whether auditing of changes is enabled.

看起来只能从 SDK 中检索审计数据信息,并删除分区,仅基于 this