如何从 PetaPoco(使用 Npgsql)执行 PostgreSQL 存储过程?

How to execute a PostgreSQL stored procedure from PetaPoco (with Npgsql)?

给定一个 PostgreSQL (9.5) 存储过程(带有 Npgsql 驱动程序)为:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "GetAllDx"( patient_recid integer, tencounter timestamp without time zone) RETURNS SETOF view_dx

这是如何从 PetaPoco 执行的?可以吗? (我一直在使用 Dapper)。



        public void GetAllPatientsWithServices()
            // Create a PetaPoco database object
            var db = new chaosDB("localconnection");

            // Calling stored procedure getallpatientswithservices()
            var a =  db.Fetch<view_patient>("Select * from getallpatientswithservices()");

            foreach( var b in a)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}    -  {1}", b.cpatient, b.chart_number);


        public void GetDxLibrary()
            // Create a PetaPoco database object
            var db = new chaosDB("localconnection");

            // Calling stored procedure with mixed case name
            var a = db.Fetch<icd9>("Select * from \"GetDxLibrary\"()");

            foreach (var b in a)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}    -  {1}", b.code,b.cdesc);