
Making value type behave like a reference type using boxing and implicit conversions


MyTnt i1 = 3; //MyValue has a field value = 3
MyInt i2 = 5; //value = 5

i1 = i2;      //both i1 and i2 = 5
i2 = 4;       //i1 = 5, i2 = 4; should be i1 = i2 = 4;



一件事是创建 引用 来保存对象或值类型,另一件事是给出参数 by reference.

i1 也将保持 4 如果你在某种方法中通过引用传递它:

public void X(int i2, ref MyInt i1)
   // When you define a ref parameter
   // you're not creating a new reference but you're
   // reusing the given one
   i1 = i2;

MyInt i1 = 4;
MyInt i2 = 0;     

// This would produce what you expect
X(i2, ref i1);

// Now i2 is 4