仅在嵌入 Google 传播中显示特定 sheet

Only show specific sheet in the embed Google Spread

我可以在 html 网页中嵌入特定的 sheet 而不是整个传播sheet 吗?

<iframe height="500" src="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/<key>/edit?usp=sharing" width="100%"></iframe>

一些有用的信息from documentation会有所帮助:

To publish a file:

  1. Open a document, spreadsheet, presentation, or drawing.
  2. Click the File menu.
  3. Select Publish to the Web.
  4. While the entire file will be published, some file types have more publishing options: Spreadsheet: Choose to publish the entire spreadsheet or individual sheets. You can also choose a publishing format (web page, .csv, .tsv, .pdf, .xlsx, .ods).
  5. Click Publish.
  6. Copy the URL and send it to anyone you’d like to see the file. Or, embed it into your website.

如果您在第 4 步中选择嵌入


<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1S14JwcYCN30VlFG0ZsBS0kHOT1_AkGxV_HydQ5-UFcI/pubhtml?gid=0&amp;single=true&amp;widget=true&amp;headers=false"></iframe></div>