xceed propertygrid:在自定义属性定义集之间进行选择

xceed propertygrid: choose between sets of custom propertydefinitions

到目前为止,我将 Xceed 属性 网格与 AutoGenerateProperties="True" 一起使用,并使用 [Browsable(false)] 属性指定我不想显示的属性。

现在我有一个案例,我只需要显示一部分属性,具体取决于另一个属性的值 属性。


但该示例仅显示了如何实现一组 PropertyDefinitions 将用于每个检查对象。

关于如何定义多组 PropertyDefinitions 并选择何时使用它们,您是否有提示或示例?

抱歉,这个回答太长了。我也曾经使用 AutoGenerateProperties="True" 但是我遇到了类似的问题。

我最终的解决方案是按照您的建议填充 PropertyDefinition。我以编程方式执行此操作,因为我最终遇到了一些相当特殊的情况,这些情况需要根据某处集合的内容动态创建属性。我确实注意到的一件事是,即使通过我的 classes 以编程方式检查以模拟 AutoGenerateProperties="True" 功能,我的速度也比他们的解决方案快得多。

为了按照您的要求处理可见性,尽管我必须创建自己的 Attribute 以使项目在 PropertyGrid 中不可见。

public class VisibilityAttribute : Attribute
    public Visibility Visibility { get; private set; }

    public VisibilityAttribute(Visibility visibility)
        this.Visibility = visibility;

可以在我的项目中选择的每个项目都有自己的 PropertySetBase class 实现,它具有 属性 定义,如下所示:

[Category("Appearance"), LocalisedProperty(typeof(PropertySetBase), "LocalBackground", "LocalBackgroundDescription"), Editor(typeof(OptionalBrushEditor), typeof(OptionalBrushEditor)),
    public virtual OptionalProperty<Brush> LocalBackground { get; set; }

然后处理 currentPropertySelection 集合中的 PropertySetBase 的逻辑。

private void PreparePropertyGrid()
    PropertyDefinitionCollection propertyDefinitions = new PropertyDefinitionCollection();

    // This is how I determine 
    var mainPropertySet = this.currentPropertySelection.FirstOrDefault();

    if (mainPropertySet != null)
        var properties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(mainPropertySet.GetType());
        // Allowing for multiple selection, if on further iterations through the selected items we will remove properties that do not exist in both PropertySets
        bool firstIteration = true;

        foreach (var x in this.currentPropertySelection)
            foreach (var p in properties.Cast<PropertyDescriptor>())
                if (!firstIteration)
                    // Perhaps we should be checking a little more safely for TargetProperties but if the collection is empty we have bigger problems.
                    var definition = propertyDefinitions.FirstOrDefault(d => string.Equals(d.TargetProperties[0] as string, p.Name, StringComparison.Ordinal));

                    // Someone in the selection does not have this property so we can ignore it.
                    if (definition == null)

                    // If this item doesn't have the property remove it from the display collection and proceed.
                    var localProperty = x.GetType().GetProperty(p.Name);
                    if (localProperty == null)

                    // There is actually no point in proceeding if this is not the first iteration and we have checked whether the property exists.

                string category = p.Category;
                string description = p.Description;
                string displayName = p.DisplayName ?? p.Name;
                int? displayOrder = null;
                bool? isBrowsable = p.IsBrowsable;
                bool? isExpandable = null;

                var orderAttribute = p.Attributes[typeof(PropertyOrderAttribute)] as PropertyOrderAttribute;
                if (orderAttribute != null)
                    displayOrder = orderAttribute.Order;

                var expandableAttribute = p.Attributes[typeof(ExpandableObjectAttribute)] as ExpandableObjectAttribute;
                if (expandableAttribute != null)
                    isExpandable = true;

                propertyDefinitions.Add(new PropertyDefinition
                    Category = category,
                    Description = description,
                    DisplayName = displayName,
                    DisplayOrder = displayOrder,
                    IsBrowsable = isBrowsable,
                    IsExpandable = isExpandable,
                    TargetProperties = new[] { p.Name },

        firstIteration = false;

        this.propertyGrid.PropertyDefinitions = propertyDefinitions;

当涉及到实际 showing/hiding 属性时,我执行了以下操作:

public void UpdateProperties(Tuple<string, bool?, Visibility?>[] newPropertyStates)
    // Note this currently works under the assumption that an Item has to be selected in order to have a value changed.
    this.suppressPropertyUpdates = true;

    foreach (var property in newPropertyStates)
        string propertyName = property.Item1;

        string[] splits = propertyName.Split('.');
        if (splits.Length == 1)
                                        .Where(p => string.Equals(p.PropertyDescriptor.Name, propertyName, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                        .Map(p =>
                if (property.Item2.HasValue)
                    p.IsEnabled = property.Item2.Value;

                if (property.Item3.HasValue)
                    p.Visibility = property.Item3.Value;

        else // We currently don't expect to go any lower than 1 level.
            var parent = this.propertyGrid.Properties.OfType<PropertyItem>()
                                                     .Where(p => string.Equals(p.PropertyDescriptor.Name, splits[0], StringComparison.Ordinal))

            if (parent != null)
                                 .Where(p => string.Equals(p.PropertyDescriptor.Name, splits[1], StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                 .Map(p =>
                    if (property.Item2.HasValue)
                        p.IsEnabled = property.Item2.Value;
                    if (property.Item3.HasValue)
                        p.Visibility = property.Item3.Value;

    this.suppressPropertyUpdates = false;

然后在 PreparePropertyItem 事件处理程序中,我检查我的 VisibilityAttribute 并相应地更新 属性 项目。

void PropertyGrid_PreparePropertyItem(object sender, PropertyItemEventArgs e)
    foreach (var x in this.currentPropertySelection)
        // If we are in read-only mode do not allow the editing of any property.
        if (this.IsReadOnly)
            e.PropertyItem.IsEnabled = false;

        string propertyName = ((PropertyItem)e.PropertyItem).PropertyDescriptor.Name;
        PropertyInfo property = x.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName);
        var propertyItem = e.Item as PropertyItem;

        // If the property doesn't exist then check to see if it is on an expandable item.
        if (property == null)
            property = propertyItem.Instance.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName);

        bool hasProperty = property != null;

        if (hasProperty)
            var browsableAttribute = property.GetCustomAttribute<BrowsableAttribute>(true);
            if (browsableAttribute != null &&
                e.PropertyItem.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                e.Handled = true;

            var visibilityAttribute = property.GetCustomAttribute<VisibilityAttribute>(true);
            if (visibilityAttribute != null)
                e.PropertyItem.Visibility = visibilityAttribute.Visibility;
                e.Handled = true;

            var independentAttribute = property.GetCustomAttribute<IndependentAttribute>(true);
            // If a property is marked as being independent then we do not allow editing if multiple items are selected
            if (independentAttribute != null &&
                this.currentPropertySelection.Length > 1)
                e.PropertyItem.IsEnabled = false;
                e.Handled = true;