我无法关闭 jointJS 中的对话框

I can't close dialog in jointJS

Here is and a screenshot I uploaded for you 我已经根据您在评论中的建议编辑了我的 post,post 将我的 code.I 的更新版本附在 /**/ my原创 post 帮助你。

/*In jointJS I try using a `ui.dialog` to delete all my graph with the following code:

    var dialog = new joint.ui.Dialog({
                width: 400,
                title: 'Create new process',
                content: '<b>Cleanup current drawing?</b>',
                closeButton: false,
                buttons: [
                    { action: 'ok', content: 'OK' },
                    { action: 'cancel', content: 'CANCEL' }

            dialog.on('action:ok', this.graph.clear, this.graph);
            dialog.on('action:cancel', dialog.close, dialog);

After pressing OK button I successfully delete my graph but my dialog still remains without being able to delete it.

Any help please? */


1) 当按下 OK 我想: a)删除我当前的图表并且 b)关闭我的对话框

2) 当按下取消时我想: 关闭我的对话框(在我的初始版本中使用 dialog.close 成功运行)

openNew: function() {
        // By pressing Create New Process button, a popup form asks for 
        //our confirmation before deleting current graph
        var dialog = new joint.ui.Dialog({
            width: 400,
            title: 'Create new process',
            content: '<b>Cleanup current drawing?</b>',
            closeButton: false,
            buttons: [
                { action: 'ok', content: 'OK' },
                { action: 'cancel', content: 'CANCEL' }

        //Since in 'action:ok' of dialog.on the 3rd parameter is used in the
        //callback of multi_hand we must pass dialog and graph both together.To do so
        //we enclose them in an object named together and we pass it instead

        together= {dialog : dialog, graph : this.graph};

        //Since jointJS supports assigning multiple events for same handler
        //BUT NOT multiple handlers for the same event we create function multi_hand
        multi_hand: function (together)
        dialog.on('action:ok', multi_hand, together);
        dialog.on('action:cancel', dialog.close, dialog);

通过使用这个新代码,我的 joinjtJS 项目意外崩溃。 请问如何让确定按钮起作用?

dialog.on 中的第三个参数是传递给回调函数的上下文(第二个参数)。它说,回调函数中绑定到 this 的是什么。 在您的示例中,不清楚 graph 的定义位置,如果它真的是 this.graph。但是,您可以像下面的示例一样简单地执行此操作,而无需传递上下文:

var graph = new joint.dia.Graph;
var paper = new joint.dia.Paper({
    el: $('#paper'),
    width: 650,
    height: 400,
    model: graph,
    linkPinning: false

var r = new joint.shapes.basic.Rect({
    position: { x: 50, y: 50 },
    size: { width: 100, height: 40 },

var dialog = new joint.ui.Dialog({
    width: 400,
    title: 'Confirm',
    content: '<b>Are you sure?</b>',
    buttons: [
        { action: 'yes', content: 'Yes' },
        { action: 'no', content: 'No' }

dialog.on('action:yes', function() {

dialog.on('action:no', dialog.close, dialog);

如果 graph 是在 this 上定义的:

dialog.on('action:yes', function() {
}, this);


openNew: function() {
    var dialog = new joint.ui.Dialog({
            width: 400,
            title: 'Create new process',
            content: '<b>Cleanup current drawing?</b>',
            closeButton: false,
            buttons: [
                { action: 'ok', content: 'OK' },
                { action: 'cancel', content: 'CANCEL' }

        dialog.on('action:ok', this.graph.clear, this.graph);
        dialog.on('action:ok action:cancel', dialog.close, dialog);