更改 属性 的不可变类型
Change property of immutable type
我在一个临时的 CQRS 读取存储中存储了不可变类型(query/read 方面,实际上是通过一个带有抽象访问层的简单列表实现的,我不想在这里使用一个完整的文档数据库观点)。这些阅读商店包含如下项目:
public class SomeItem
private readonly string name;
private readonly string description;
public SomeItem(string name, string description)
this.name = name;
this.description = description;
public string Name
get { return this.name; }
public string Description
get { return this.description; }
// initial state
var someItem = new SomeItem("name", "description");
// update name -> newName
someItem = new SomeItem("newName", someItem.Description);
// update description -> newDescription
someItem = new SomeItem(someItem.Name, "newDescription");
如果您有多个属性,这对我来说确实容易出错...您必须设法保持当前状态。我可以向每种类型添加类似 Clone() 的东西,但我 think/hope 那里有更好的东西,性能好且易于使用,我不想写太多重复的代码(懒惰的程序员)。有什么建议可以改进上面的代码吗? SomeItem class 需要保持不变(通过几个不同的线程传输)。
您要查找的通常称为 with 运算符:
// returns a new immutable object with just the single property changed
someItem = { someItem with Name = "newName" };
不幸的是,与 F# 不同,C# 没有这样的运算符(还没有?)。
其他 C# 开发人员也缺少此功能,这就是为什么 someone wrote a Fody extension to do exactly that:
这是另一种方法,它手动实现 UpdateWith
方法,但需要 Option<T>
帮助程序 class。 更详细地描述了这种方法:
如果您想做的是(如您评论的那样)更新现有对象的名称,则只读 属性 可能是糟糕的设计。
否则,如果它确实是您要创建的新对象,您可能希望 class 使用 'Dispose' 方法实现一些接口。
遗憾的是,C# 中没有简单的方法。 F# 有 with
关键字,你可以看看 lenses,但在 C# 中这一切都有些乏味。我能给你的最好的是这样的:
class SomeItem
private readonly string name;
private readonly string description;
public SomeItem(string name, string description)
this.name = name;
this.description = description;
public SomeItem With
Option<string> name = null,
Option<string> description = null
return new SomeItem
var newItem = oldItem.With(name: "My name!");
我已经将这种方法与扩展方法和 T4 一起使用,效果很好,但即使您手动编写代码,它也相当可靠 - 如果您添加新字段,则必须将其添加到 With
如果您愿意容忍运行时代码生成和降低类型安全性,还有一些其他方法,但这有点违背 IMO 的原则。
在 C#9 中,我们得到了 with 运算符用于此目的。
public record Car
public string Brand { get; init; }
public string Color { get; init; }
var car = new Car{ Brand = "BMW", Color = "Red" };
var anotherCar = car with { Brand = "Tesla"};
With-expressions When working with immutable data, a common pattern is
to create new values from existing ones to represent a new state. For
instance, if our person were to change their last name we would
represent it as a new object that’s a copy of the old one, except with
a different last name. This technique is often referred to as
non-destructive mutation. Instead of representing the person over
time, the record represents the person’s state at a given time. To
help with this style of programming, records allow for a new kind of
expression; the with-expression:
Records At the core of classic object-oriented programming is the idea that an object has strong identity and encapsulates mutable state
that evolves over time. C# has always worked great for that, But
sometimes you want pretty much the exact opposite, and here C#’s
defaults have tended to get in the way, making things very laborious.
这个问题我也想过。记录不适合我的目的,因为它需要与 EF Core 交互。
我建议一个简单且 low-cost 的方法:
- 向 class 添加一个复制构造函数;
- 使在克隆期间更改的属性可用于初始化;
- 通过具有初始化列表的复制构造函数克隆具有更改的对象:
var a = new SomeItem("name", "abracadabra");
var b = new SomeItem(a) {Description="descr"};
var a = new SomeItem("name", "abracadabra");
var b = new SomeItem(a) {Description="descr"};
public class SomeItem
private string name;
private string description;
public SomeItem(string name, string description)
Name = name;
Description = description;
public SomeItem(SomeItem another): this(another.Name, another.Description)
public string Name
get => name;
init => name = value;
public string Description
get => description;
init => description = value;
如果在编译时不知道最终类型,那么这种方法很容易扩展。假设有一个 class“ValueObject”,我们需要克隆其派生类型。
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using Light.GuardClauses;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using static DotNext.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionBuilder;
using ValueObject = Company.Domain....;
/// <summary>
/// The plagiarizer creates a copy of the object with a change in its individual properties using an initializer
/// </summary>
/// <remarks> The foreign object must define a copy constructor, and mutable members must support initialization </remarks>
public struct Plagiarist {
/// <summary>
/// Object to be copied
/// </summary>
private readonly object _alienObject;
/// <summary>
/// Type <see cref="_alienObject" />
/// </summary>
private Type _type => _alienObject.GetType();
/// <summary>
/// Object parsing Expression
/// </summary>
private readonly ParsingInitializationExpression _parser = new();
public Plagiarist(object alienObject) {
_alienObject = alienObject.MustNotBeNullReference();
if (!CopyConstructorIs())
throw new ArgumentException($"Type {_type.FullName} must implement a copy constructor");
/// <summary>
/// Does the object we want to plagiarize have a copy constructor?
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True - there is a copy constructor, otherwise - false</returns>
private bool CopyConstructorIs() {
return _type.GetConstructor(new[] { _type }) is not null;
/// <summary>
/// Returns a copy of a foreign object with a change in its individual properties using an initializer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="initializer">
/// <see cref="Expression" /> create an object with initialization of those fields,
/// which need to be changed:
/// <code>() => new T() {Member1 = "Changed value1", Member2 = "Changed value2"}</code>
/// or <see cref="Expression" /> create an anonymous type with initialization of those fields
/// that need to be changed:
/// <code>() => new {Member1 = "Changed value1", Member2 = "Changed value2"}</code>
/// </param>
/// <returns></returns>
public object Plagiarize(Expression<Func<object>> initializer) {
var (newValues, constructParam) = _parser.ParseInitialization(initializer);
var constrCopies = _type.New(_alienObject.Const().Convert(_type));
Expression plagiarist = (newValues.Count, constructParam.Count) switch {
(> 0, _) => Expression.MemberInit(constrCopies, newValues.Values),
(0, > 0) => Expression.MemberInit(constrCopies, ConstructorInInitializationList(constructParam).Values),
_ => constrCopies
var plagiarize = Expression.Lambda<Func<object>>(plagiarist).Compile();
return plagiarize();
public Dictionary<string, MemberAssignment> ConstructorInInitializationList(
Dictionary<string, Expression> constructorParameters) {
Dictionary<string, MemberAssignment> initializer = new();
const BindingFlags flagReflections = BindingFlags.Default | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public;
var allProperties = _type.GetProperties(flagReflections);
var allFields = _type.GetFields(flagReflections);
foreach (var memberName in constructorParameters.Keys) {
var property = allProperties.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name ==memberName);
var field = allFields.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == memberName);
(MemberInfo member, Type memberType) = (property, field) switch {
({ }, _) => (property, property.PropertyType),
(null, { }) => ((MemberInfo)field, field.FieldType),
_ => throw new ArgumentException($"{_type.FullName} does not contain member {memberName}")
initializer[memberName] = Expression.Bind(member, constructorParameters[memberName].Convert(memberType));
return initializer;
/// <summary>
/// Template "Visitor" for traversing the expression tree in order to highlight
/// initialization expression and constructor
/// </summary>
private class ParsingInitializationExpression : ExpressionVisitor {
private Dictionary<string, MemberAssignment>? _initializer;
private Dictionary<string, Expression>? _initializerAnonym;
/// <summary>
/// Parses the expression tree and returns the initializer and constructor parameters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="initializer"><see cref="Expression" /> to parse</param>
/// <returns> tuple of initializer and constructor</returns>
public ParsedInitialization ParseInitialization(Expression initializer) {
_initializer = new Dictionary<string, MemberAssignment>();
_initializerAnonym = new Dictionary<string, Expression>();
return new ParsedInitialization(_initializer, _initializerAnonym);
protected override MemberAssignment VisitMemberAssignment(MemberAssignment node) {
_initializer![node.Member.Name] = node;
return base.VisitMemberAssignment(node);
protected override Expression VisitNew(NewExpression node) {
foreach (var (member, value) in node.Members?.Zip(node.Arguments) ??
Array.Empty<(MemberInfo First, Expression Second)>())
_initializerAnonym![member.Name] = value;
return base.VisitNew(node);
/// <summary>
/// Type to return values from method <see cref="ParseInitialization" />
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Initializer"></param>
/// <param name="ConstructorParameters"></param>
public record struct ParsedInitialization(Dictionary<string, MemberAssignment> Initializer,
Dictionary<string, Expression> ConstructorParameters);
public static class ValueObjectPlagiarizer{
/// <summary>
/// Creates a copy of the object with a change in its individual properties using an initializer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="alien">Object to be plagiarized</param>
/// <param name="initializer">
/// <see cref="Expression" /> creating an object of type <typeparamref name="T" />
/// with initialization of those fields that need to be changed:
/// <code>ob.Plagiarize(() => new T() {Member1 = "Changed value1", Member2 = "Changed value2"})</code>
/// or <see cref="Expression" /> create an anonymous type with initialization of those fields that need to be changed:
/// <code>ob.Plagiarize(() => new {Member1 = "Changed value1", Member2 = "Changed value2"})</code>
/// </param>
/// <returns>plagiarism of the object</returns>
public static object Plagiarize<T>(this ValueObject alien, Expression<Func<T>> initializer)
where T : class {
var bodyReduced = initializer.Convert<object>();
var initializerReduced = Expression.Lambda<Func<object>>(bodyReduced, initializer.Parameters);
return new Plagiarist(alien).Plagiarize(initializerReduced);
如果 SomeItem 是 ValueObject 的后代
ValueObject a = new SomeItem("name", "abracadabra");
// via type constructor
var b = (SomeItem)a.Plagiarize(()=>new SomeItem(null){Description="descr"});
// anonymous type
var c = (SomeItem)a.Plagiarize(()=>new{Description="descr"});
b.Description.Should().Be("descr"); //true
c.Description.Should().Be("descr"); //true
我在一个临时的 CQRS 读取存储中存储了不可变类型(query/read 方面,实际上是通过一个带有抽象访问层的简单列表实现的,我不想在这里使用一个完整的文档数据库观点)。这些阅读商店包含如下项目:
public class SomeItem
private readonly string name;
private readonly string description;
public SomeItem(string name, string description)
this.name = name;
this.description = description;
public string Name
get { return this.name; }
public string Description
get { return this.description; }
现在我想更改名称并在第二个命令中更改描述。 这些更改应保持当前状态,这意味着上面的示例:
// initial state
var someItem = new SomeItem("name", "description");
// update name -> newName
someItem = new SomeItem("newName", someItem.Description);
// update description -> newDescription
someItem = new SomeItem(someItem.Name, "newDescription");
如果您有多个属性,这对我来说确实容易出错...您必须设法保持当前状态。我可以向每种类型添加类似 Clone() 的东西,但我 think/hope 那里有更好的东西,性能好且易于使用,我不想写太多重复的代码(懒惰的程序员)。有什么建议可以改进上面的代码吗? SomeItem class 需要保持不变(通过几个不同的线程传输)。
您要查找的通常称为 with 运算符:
// returns a new immutable object with just the single property changed
someItem = { someItem with Name = "newName" };
不幸的是,与 F# 不同,C# 没有这样的运算符(还没有?)。
其他 C# 开发人员也缺少此功能,这就是为什么 someone wrote a Fody extension to do exactly that:
这是另一种方法,它手动实现 UpdateWith
方法,但需要 Option<T>
帮助程序 class。
如果您想做的是(如您评论的那样)更新现有对象的名称,则只读 属性 可能是糟糕的设计。 否则,如果它确实是您要创建的新对象,您可能希望 class 使用 'Dispose' 方法实现一些接口。
遗憾的是,C# 中没有简单的方法。 F# 有 with
关键字,你可以看看 lenses,但在 C# 中这一切都有些乏味。我能给你的最好的是这样的:
class SomeItem
private readonly string name;
private readonly string description;
public SomeItem(string name, string description)
this.name = name;
this.description = description;
public SomeItem With
Option<string> name = null,
Option<string> description = null
return new SomeItem
一样进行更新var newItem = oldItem.With(name: "My name!");
我已经将这种方法与扩展方法和 T4 一起使用,效果很好,但即使您手动编写代码,它也相当可靠 - 如果您添加新字段,则必须将其添加到 With
如果您愿意容忍运行时代码生成和降低类型安全性,还有一些其他方法,但这有点违背 IMO 的原则。
在 C#9 中,我们得到了 with 运算符用于此目的。
public record Car
public string Brand { get; init; }
public string Color { get; init; }
var car = new Car{ Brand = "BMW", Color = "Red" };
var anotherCar = car with { Brand = "Tesla"};
With-expressions When working with immutable data, a common pattern is to create new values from existing ones to represent a new state. For instance, if our person were to change their last name we would represent it as a new object that’s a copy of the old one, except with a different last name. This technique is often referred to as non-destructive mutation. Instead of representing the person over time, the record represents the person’s state at a given time. To help with this style of programming, records allow for a new kind of expression; the with-expression:
注意 只有记录支持使用运算符。
Records At the core of classic object-oriented programming is the idea that an object has strong identity and encapsulates mutable state that evolves over time. C# has always worked great for that, But sometimes you want pretty much the exact opposite, and here C#’s defaults have tended to get in the way, making things very laborious.
这个问题我也想过。记录不适合我的目的,因为它需要与 EF Core 交互。
我建议一个简单且 low-cost 的方法:
- 向 class 添加一个复制构造函数;
- 使在克隆期间更改的属性可用于初始化;
- 通过具有初始化列表的复制构造函数克隆具有更改的对象:
var a = new SomeItem("name", "abracadabra");
var b = new SomeItem(a) {Description="descr"};
var a = new SomeItem("name", "abracadabra");
var b = new SomeItem(a) {Description="descr"};
public class SomeItem
private string name;
private string description;
public SomeItem(string name, string description)
Name = name;
Description = description;
public SomeItem(SomeItem another): this(another.Name, another.Description)
public string Name
get => name;
init => name = value;
public string Description
get => description;
init => description = value;
如果在编译时不知道最终类型,那么这种方法很容易扩展。假设有一个 class“ValueObject”,我们需要克隆其派生类型。
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using Light.GuardClauses;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using static DotNext.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionBuilder;
using ValueObject = Company.Domain....;
/// <summary>
/// The plagiarizer creates a copy of the object with a change in its individual properties using an initializer
/// </summary>
/// <remarks> The foreign object must define a copy constructor, and mutable members must support initialization </remarks>
public struct Plagiarist {
/// <summary>
/// Object to be copied
/// </summary>
private readonly object _alienObject;
/// <summary>
/// Type <see cref="_alienObject" />
/// </summary>
private Type _type => _alienObject.GetType();
/// <summary>
/// Object parsing Expression
/// </summary>
private readonly ParsingInitializationExpression _parser = new();
public Plagiarist(object alienObject) {
_alienObject = alienObject.MustNotBeNullReference();
if (!CopyConstructorIs())
throw new ArgumentException($"Type {_type.FullName} must implement a copy constructor");
/// <summary>
/// Does the object we want to plagiarize have a copy constructor?
/// </summary>
/// <returns>True - there is a copy constructor, otherwise - false</returns>
private bool CopyConstructorIs() {
return _type.GetConstructor(new[] { _type }) is not null;
/// <summary>
/// Returns a copy of a foreign object with a change in its individual properties using an initializer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="initializer">
/// <see cref="Expression" /> create an object with initialization of those fields,
/// which need to be changed:
/// <code>() => new T() {Member1 = "Changed value1", Member2 = "Changed value2"}</code>
/// or <see cref="Expression" /> create an anonymous type with initialization of those fields
/// that need to be changed:
/// <code>() => new {Member1 = "Changed value1", Member2 = "Changed value2"}</code>
/// </param>
/// <returns></returns>
public object Plagiarize(Expression<Func<object>> initializer) {
var (newValues, constructParam) = _parser.ParseInitialization(initializer);
var constrCopies = _type.New(_alienObject.Const().Convert(_type));
Expression plagiarist = (newValues.Count, constructParam.Count) switch {
(> 0, _) => Expression.MemberInit(constrCopies, newValues.Values),
(0, > 0) => Expression.MemberInit(constrCopies, ConstructorInInitializationList(constructParam).Values),
_ => constrCopies
var plagiarize = Expression.Lambda<Func<object>>(plagiarist).Compile();
return plagiarize();
public Dictionary<string, MemberAssignment> ConstructorInInitializationList(
Dictionary<string, Expression> constructorParameters) {
Dictionary<string, MemberAssignment> initializer = new();
const BindingFlags flagReflections = BindingFlags.Default | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public;
var allProperties = _type.GetProperties(flagReflections);
var allFields = _type.GetFields(flagReflections);
foreach (var memberName in constructorParameters.Keys) {
var property = allProperties.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name ==memberName);
var field = allFields.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == memberName);
(MemberInfo member, Type memberType) = (property, field) switch {
({ }, _) => (property, property.PropertyType),
(null, { }) => ((MemberInfo)field, field.FieldType),
_ => throw new ArgumentException($"{_type.FullName} does not contain member {memberName}")
initializer[memberName] = Expression.Bind(member, constructorParameters[memberName].Convert(memberType));
return initializer;
/// <summary>
/// Template "Visitor" for traversing the expression tree in order to highlight
/// initialization expression and constructor
/// </summary>
private class ParsingInitializationExpression : ExpressionVisitor {
private Dictionary<string, MemberAssignment>? _initializer;
private Dictionary<string, Expression>? _initializerAnonym;
/// <summary>
/// Parses the expression tree and returns the initializer and constructor parameters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="initializer"><see cref="Expression" /> to parse</param>
/// <returns> tuple of initializer and constructor</returns>
public ParsedInitialization ParseInitialization(Expression initializer) {
_initializer = new Dictionary<string, MemberAssignment>();
_initializerAnonym = new Dictionary<string, Expression>();
return new ParsedInitialization(_initializer, _initializerAnonym);
protected override MemberAssignment VisitMemberAssignment(MemberAssignment node) {
_initializer![node.Member.Name] = node;
return base.VisitMemberAssignment(node);
protected override Expression VisitNew(NewExpression node) {
foreach (var (member, value) in node.Members?.Zip(node.Arguments) ??
Array.Empty<(MemberInfo First, Expression Second)>())
_initializerAnonym![member.Name] = value;
return base.VisitNew(node);
/// <summary>
/// Type to return values from method <see cref="ParseInitialization" />
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Initializer"></param>
/// <param name="ConstructorParameters"></param>
public record struct ParsedInitialization(Dictionary<string, MemberAssignment> Initializer,
Dictionary<string, Expression> ConstructorParameters);
public static class ValueObjectPlagiarizer{
/// <summary>
/// Creates a copy of the object with a change in its individual properties using an initializer
/// </summary>
/// <param name="alien">Object to be plagiarized</param>
/// <param name="initializer">
/// <see cref="Expression" /> creating an object of type <typeparamref name="T" />
/// with initialization of those fields that need to be changed:
/// <code>ob.Plagiarize(() => new T() {Member1 = "Changed value1", Member2 = "Changed value2"})</code>
/// or <see cref="Expression" /> create an anonymous type with initialization of those fields that need to be changed:
/// <code>ob.Plagiarize(() => new {Member1 = "Changed value1", Member2 = "Changed value2"})</code>
/// </param>
/// <returns>plagiarism of the object</returns>
public static object Plagiarize<T>(this ValueObject alien, Expression<Func<T>> initializer)
where T : class {
var bodyReduced = initializer.Convert<object>();
var initializerReduced = Expression.Lambda<Func<object>>(bodyReduced, initializer.Parameters);
return new Plagiarist(alien).Plagiarize(initializerReduced);
如果 SomeItem 是 ValueObject 的后代
ValueObject a = new SomeItem("name", "abracadabra");
// via type constructor
var b = (SomeItem)a.Plagiarize(()=>new SomeItem(null){Description="descr"});
// anonymous type
var c = (SomeItem)a.Plagiarize(()=>new{Description="descr"});
b.Description.Should().Be("descr"); //true
c.Description.Should().Be("descr"); //true