R BiocCheck:也许它们是加载了 data() 的数据集的一部分?

R BiocCheck: Maybe they are part of a data set loaded with data()?

我从 BiocCheck(针对生物导体)收到以下消息:

Checking to see if we understand object initialization....
* CONSIDER: Clarifying how objects ‘predict, qnorm, predict, lm,
  coef, nls, coef, head, tail’ (used in .fitCurve, .getLODR,
  .lm2str, .m2str, .plotSigmoid, estimateLOQ , estimateLOQ,
  plotROC, plotScatter) were initialized. Maybe they are part of a
  data set loaded with data(), or perhaps part of an object
  referenced in with() or within().


.m2str <- function(m)
    eq <- substitute(italic(y) == a + b * italic(x)*','~~italic(r)^2~'='~r2, 
                 list(a  = format(coef(m)[1], digits = 2), 
                      b  = format(coef(m)[2], digits = 2), 
                      r2 = format(summary(m)$r.squared, digits = 3)))

.lm2str <- function(data)
    return (.m2str(lm(y~x, data)))


您是否将这些函数编写为 R 包的一部分?当你调用像 lmhead 这样的函数时,你应该指定这些函数来自哪个 R 包(例如写 stats::lmutils::head)。对于不是来自 "base".
