Akka .NET PipeTo() 与 ContinueWith()

Akka .NET PipeTo() with ContinueWith()

The Top 7 Mistakes Newbies Make with Akka.NET 解释了为什么在 actor 中使用 async/await 通常是个坏主意:

[...] we see end users develop lots of nested async / await operations inside an individual message handler. There’s a cost overlooked by most users to doing this: the actor can’t process any other messages between each await operation because those awaits are still part of the “1 message at a time” guarantee for the original message!

然而在 Petabridge Akka .NET 训练营的 Unit 3 Lesson 4 中,这个例子被认为是好的:

// asynchronously download the image and pipe the results to ourself
_httpClient.GetAsync(imageUrl).ContinueWith(httpRequest =>
    var response = httpRequest.Result;

    // successful img download
    if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
        var contentStream = response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();
            return new ImageDownloadResult(image,
                response.StatusCode, contentStream.Result);
        catch //timeout exceptions!
            return new ImageDownloadResult(image, HttpStatusCode.PartialContent);

    return new ImageDownloadResult(image, response.StatusCode);

按照我的理解,在 GetAsync()ContinueWith() 完成之前,演员将无法处理任何其他消息,这正是 PipeTo() 试图解决的问题避免。


我认为正在发生的事情是,由于没有等待 GetAsync(),所以整个过程异步触发并且不会阻止执行。


TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously 表示 ContinueWith 将 运行 与转换任务的代码同步完成 (TaskContinuationOptions)。

示例中的代码将触发任务,设置 ContinueWith()PipeTo(),以及 return。 Actor 可以自由接收新消息,当任务完成时,PipeTo() 将向其发送结果消息。

正如 Gigi 提到的,如果 Task 在 actor 中等待,那么它将被阻塞。

认为 ContinueWith() 也是一项任务可能会有所帮助,这就是 PipeTo() 的作用。

这是 Akka.net Github 中的 PipeTo 扩展:

    public static Task PipeTo<T>(this Task<T> taskToPipe, ICanTell recipient, IActorRef sender = null, Func<T, object> success = null, Func<Exception, object> failure = null)
        sender = sender ?? ActorRefs.NoSender;
        return taskToPipe.ContinueWith(tresult =>
            if (tresult.IsCanceled || tresult.IsFaulted)
                recipient.Tell(failure != null
                    ? failure(tresult.Exception)
                    : new Status.Failure(tresult.Exception), sender);
            else if (tresult.IsCompleted)
                recipient.Tell(success != null
                    ? success(tresult.Result)
                    : tresult.Result, sender);
        }, CancellationToken.None, TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously, TaskScheduler.Default);