
Bug in creating inverse rotation matrix

我需要对 3D 多边形(一组平面的有序顶点)进行三角剖分。为此,我将多边形旋转到 X/Z 平面中,并对旋转的顶点应用剪耳算法。之后,我将顶点旋转回来,得到一个三角多边形。 但是,我的轮换似乎有错误。 要将我的多边形旋转到 X/Z 平面,我执行以下操作:


    internal static Matrix4 CreateInverseRotationMatrix(Vector3 up) // up is normal vector of polygon
        Vector3 right;
        // take the longer axis and calculate a normal vector
        if (up.X.AbsoluteValue > up.Z.AbsoluteValue)
            right = up.Cross(new Vector3(0, 0, 1));
            right = up.Cross(new Vector3(1, 0, 0));

        // create the third vector of the matrix
        var backward = right.Cross(up);
        // create inverse rotation matrix
        Matrix4<Rational> m = new Matrix4<Rational>(right.X, right.Y, right.Z, 0, up.X, up.Y, up.Z, 0, backward.X, backward.Y, backward.Z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
        return m;


    private List<Vector2> CreateRotatedVertexList(List<Vertex3> contourVertices, Vector3 up)
        var matrix = Matrix4.CreateInverseRotationMatrix(up);
        List<Vector2> points = new List<Vector2>();
        foreach (var vertex in contourVertices)
            var rotatedVertex = Matrix4.Multiply(matrix, vertex.Vector3);
            var point = new Vector2m(rotatedVertex.X, rotatedVertex.Z);

        return points;

Matrix4.Multiply 看起来像这样:

    public static Vector3 Multiply(Matrix4 m, Vector3 vec4)
        Vector3 res = Vector3.Zero();
        res.X = m.M11 * vec4.X + m.M12 * vec4.Y + m.M13 * vec4.Z + m.M14;
        res.Y = m.M21 * vec4.X + m.M22 * vec4.Y + m.M23 * vec4.Z + m.M24;
        res.Z = m.M31 * vec4.X + m.M32 * vec4.Y + m.M33 * vec4.Z + m.M34;
        var w = m.M41*vec4.X + m.M42*vec4.Y + m.M43*vec4.Z + m.M44;
        return res;

我在 Blender 中绘制了一个示例多边形。例如,多边形 P ={(-1 1 1), (-0.5 1 0.5), (0 1 0), (0.5 0.5 0), (1 0 0), (1 -0.5 0.5), (1 - 1 1)}

并且旋转后的多边形PR = {(0 1 -4) (0,5 1 -2,5) (1 1 -1) (0,5 1 0,5) (0 1 2) (- 1 1 2) (-2 1 2)}。



internal static Matrix4 CreateInverseRotationMatrix(Vector3 up) // up is normal vector of polygon
    Vector3 right;
    up = up.Unit();
    // take the longer axis and calculate a normal vector
    if (up.X.AbsoluteValue > up.Z.AbsoluteValue)
        right = up.Cross(new Vector3(0, 0, 1));
        right = up.Cross(new Vector3(1, 0, 0));
    right = right.Unit();
    // create the third vector of the matrix
    var backward = right.Cross(up);
    // create inverse rotation matrix
    Matrix4<Rational> m = new Matrix4<Rational>(right.X, right.Y, right.Z, 0, up.X, up.Y, up.Z, 0, backward.X, backward.Y, backward.Z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
    return m;