Visual Studio windows 商店外的商业项目社区

Visual Studio Community for commercial project outside windows store

我想使用 Visual Studio Community Edition 2015 开发商业 win32 桌面应用程序。很高兴地说我是唯一的开发人员。没有其他人会加入我。而且我不想在 windows 商店出售它。相反,在我自己的网站上进行商业分发。我可以这样做吗?我无法完全理解 vs 社区许可证。 另外,如果我的两个朋友加入我(三人一组),可以吗?

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015 Microsoft Software License Terms 中的以下条款适用:

Individual license. If you are an individual working on your own applications to sell or for any other purpose, you may use the software to develop and test those applications.

换句话说,作为个人开发者,您可以使用 Visual Studio Community 2015 开发通过任何分发渠道(包括您自己的网站)分发的商业软件。


Organization licenses. If you are an organization, your users may use the software as follows:

  • ...
  • If none of the above apply, and you are also not an enterprise (defined below), then up to 5 of your individual users can use the software concurrently to develop and test your applications.
  • ...

在您的特定情况下(3 人团队)使用 Visual Studio Community 2015 开发商业应用程序是合法的,前提是您是非企业组织。 "enterprise" 定义为:

An "enterprise" is any organization and its affiliates who collectively have either (a) more than 250 computers or users or (b) more than one million US dollars (or the equivalent in other currencies) in annual revenues, and "affiliates" means those entities that control (via majority ownership), are controlled by, or are under common control with an organization.

Visual Studio 2015 Licensing White Paper.
