可变参数模板 class:是否可以为每个可变参数模板参数实现一个唯一的成员函数?

Variadic template class: Is it possible to implement one unique member function per variadic template argument?

我在不依赖 RTTI 的情况下使用访问者模式来实现反射。 我的问题是:

我想实现一个访问者,它可以将不同的 classes DerivedItem1、DerivedItem2 等从相同的 BaseItem class 派生到这个 BaseItem class.

基础 class 和派生的 class 之一看起来像这样:

class BaseItem : public AbstractItem
    virtual ~BaseItem(){}
    virtual void visit(AbstractVisitor &v)

class DerivedItem1 : public BaseItem
    virtual ~DerivedItem(){}
    virtual void visit(AbstractVisitor &v)


class BaseVisitor : public AbstractVisitor
    virtual ~BaseVisitor(){}
    void handle(BaseItem &item)
        // <-- stuff to do for all classes derived from BaseItem

不可能像这样实现 BaseVisitor, 因为 DerivedItem::visit(BaseVisitor) 不会将自己投射到它的 Base class BaseVisitor::handle(BaseItem &v) 永远不会被调用。

我想将访问者实现为模板 class,将基础 class 和所有派生的 classes 作为模板参数,如下所示:

template <typename BaseT, typename... DerivedT>
class BaseVisitor : public AbstractVisitor
    virtual ~BaseVisitor(){}

    // unpacking all DerivedT should happen here
    // DerivedT_X are the packed template arguments ...DerivedT
    void handle(DerivedT_1 &item)
        // <-- cast item to BaseT, do stuff, return BaseT* to caller

    void handle(DerivedT_2 &item)
        // <-- cast item to BaseT, do stuff, return BaseT* to caller

是否可以通过 C++ 以某种方式让编译器自行生成此成员函数?

使用 CRTP 和可变参数模板,您可以执行如下操作:

// The generic visitor interface
template <typename ... Ts>
class IVisitor;

template <> class IVisitor<>
    virtual ~IVisitor() = default;

template <typename T> class IVisitor<T>
    virtual ~IVisitor() = default;
    virtual void visit(const T&) = 0;

template <typename T, typename...Ts>
class IVisitor<T, Ts...> : IVisitor<T>, IVisitor<Ts...>
    using IVisitor<T>::visit;
    using IVisitor<Ts...>::visit;
    virtual ~IVisitor() = default; 

// Helper for the concrete visitor using CRTP
template <typename Derived, typename Base, typename...Ts>
struct CRTPVisitorImpl;

template <typename Derived, typename Base>
struct CRTPVisitorImpl<Derived, Base> : Base {};

template <typename Derived, typename Base, typename T>
struct CRTPVisitorImpl<Derived, Base, T> : virtual Base
    using Base::visit;
    void visit(const T& t) override { static_cast<Derived&>(*this).doVisit(t); }    

template <typename Derived, typename Base, typename T, typename ... Ts>
struct CRTPVisitorImpl<Derived, Base, T, Ts...> :
    CRTPVisitorImpl<Derived, Base, T>,
    CRTPVisitorImpl<Derived, Base, Ts...>
    using CRTPVisitorImpl<Derived, Base, T>::visit;
    using CRTPVisitorImpl<Derived, Base, Ts...>::visit;

// The generic Visitor
template <typename Derived, typename Base>
struct CRTPVisitor;

template <typename Derived, typename ... Ts>
struct CRTPVisitor<Derived, IVisitor<Ts...>> :
    CRTPVisitorImpl<Derived, IVisitor<Ts...>, Ts...>

// Helper to write visited
template <typename Derived, typename Base, typename Visitor>
struct Visited : Base
    void accept(Visitor& visitor) const override {
        visitor.visit(static_cast<const Derived&>(*this));


struct ShapeVisitorPrinter : CRTPVisitor<ShapeVisitorPrinter, IShapeVisitor>
    template <typename T>
    void doVisit(T&& t) const {

每个 Ivisitor::visit 使用 CRTP 调用 doVisit,因此您只需通过 template/overload/base class.



您不能像您在问题中描述的那样在模板定义的正文中解压缩参数包,但是您可以使用 CRTP 来 assemble 一个继承层次结构的 class您提供的每个类型参数的模板化特化:

#include <iostream>

template<class L, class... R> struct X;

template<class L>
struct X<L> { void handle(L& i) { std::cout << i.f() << "\n"; } };

template<class L, class... R>
struct X : public X<L>, public X<R...> { using X<L>::handle; using X<R...>::handle; };

struct A1 {
    int f() { return 1; }

struct A2 {
    int f() { return 2; }

struct B {
    int f() { return 10; }

struct B1 : public B {
    int f() { return 11; }

struct B2 : public B1 {
    int f() { return 12; }

int main() {
    X<A1, A2> x1;
    A1 a1; A2 a2;

    X<B, B1, B2> x2;
    B b; B1 b1; B2 b2;